Chapter 12 - Bite The Bullet

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"You were covered in some purple stuff!" I yelled out, then regretted it after. Carson looked me dead in the eyes and said:

"I swear to you, I was blacked out. There is no gain for me if I were to lie anyways." Puppet had enough after that.

"Pack it up, we're saving Freddy and killing those bastards now. If we don't, we're all fucking dead." He picked up a bag of his and stuffed several items in it. I didn't have much on me right now, so I scrounged around for things to use or make into something bigger. Baby, Foxy, Ballora, and Bonnet did the same. Ballora and Bonnet were still really quiet. I hope they get better someday. I eventually found a stick, tape, and a pike. I taped the pike onto the stick using the entire roll. I also ripped a makeshift shoulder strap off of a piece of the gurney cloth that I strung onto my spear of mine. I strung my makeshift weapon across my back, ready to fight. Foxy made a sword-like metal spike, Baby made a small knife, Ballora had scissors, and Bonnet strapped a scalpel onto her hand. We all left Puppet's ransacked room and left through the hallway slowly. I was in front and Baby was in the back. Carson was behind me with a spear as well. He eventually went in front of me and left the group. After we reached Freddy's room, we stopped to check for any noises inside. We heard sobbing and nothing else. Carson opened the door and the odor of freshly spilled oil rushed out. Carson's eyes watered as he looked away. It was a horrific scene on the inside. Oil was splattered across the room. We stepped into the room, one by one. Freddy looked up at us, still bound by his limbs. Baby ran over and untied him, ripping the tape off his face. He gasped for air and started to sob again.

"Thank you! Oh my god, yes!" He stood up, legs wobbling, and hugged Baby. He then turned to Carson. The look on his face was confused, then happy. He hugged him too. I looked at Foxy, and he gave me a 'shut up kind of look. I laughed and looked back over.

Carson's POV

Freddy hugged my chest, thanking me profusely. I hugged him back and left the hug. He was crying again by now. Baby handed him another makeshift knife and told him the plan. He was unsure but nodded anyways. We all re-grouped and started leaving. We entered the dining room and noticed our adversaries adjacent to us, across the dining room. They seemed beat up for some reason. Some of them had bandages on, but the exoskeleton who is Yenndo started to speak.

"So, you got him back, huh? Well, nothing you do will undo what we did so far!" He looked over at Ballora and Bonnet, then back at the rest of us. "I'll tell ya, those two are pretty good at-" 

"SHUT UP ALREADY!" I yelled. All the bottled anger I had was put into my yell. They stepped back from shock.

"Ooooh! We've got a newcomer! And an extroverted one at that! You've also been acquainted with my enemies here too, huh? Even better!" He stepped closer to us. "Now, Baby betrayed our group, as I thought, so blame it on her when I say, CHARGE!" He yelled out. His group followed behind him, charging ever closer, and jumping across the dining room. Hopping from table to table or through the pathways in between they ran. We all took a double take and ran at them too. I ran towards Yenndo, pushing him away. He was knocked over by a chair. I jabbed my spear at him, but he caught it with his hands. Pushing back, he sent me flying backward. I hit my feet to the ground. Gathering my balance, I charged back. He braced for a front attack, but I dodged to the side and jabbed him in the hip. He yelled and pushed away, falling backward and landing on his back. He got up and began to bleed oil. "You're pretty good, eh?" He laughed. "But, I'm the one with a gun!" He whipped his gun out from his back holster I had not seen before. He pointed it right at my head, though he stood several feet away. I froze. "Give me what I want, and you might live to see tomorrow." He stepped closer. "Drop your weapon." 

"No!" I yelled. He didn't hesitate on shooting and shot a bullet. I tried to dodge down, but I was too late. The bullet hit my head. I fell back onto the ceramic flooring, my life drifting away with haste as he laughed above me. The black abyss covered me in agony, and I accepted my fate. I felt every ounce of pain but was too angry to feel any of it. Eventually, with my brains all over the ground, I guess I had died.

I awoke in a white void. I stood up, gathering myself. My head hurt slightly. I looked around, and saw another person who looked like... me? I walked over to the person. They were sitting on a chair adjacent to another empty one. I arrived next to the person. I tapped their shoulder and their heads turned. They were me... but a girl? She pointed to the empty chair. I walked over to it and sat down. She looked at me, resembling me perfectly, except for the important things.

"So, as you already guess, I'm you but feminine. So, to summarize this simply, we are technically the same person. You can be a girl or boy, to sum it up. And this is all thanks to that purple stuff from before. So, yeah." I started at her, completely confused. "Just, focus hard and it'll happen by itself." She said, looking at me. A small beep sounded from behind her and she continued. "Oh, uh, I guess you've got to go now." She finished this sentence, then everything blacked out again. I was still awake, but the world around me was blank. Suddenly, a purple light shines in front of me. I was so confused by now. She told me to focus, so I did. I focused all my brain on this purple light, and then my brain clicked. I went limp and flopped over onto the invisible ground. My eyes shut closed, hopeful to return to my new friends.


Thanks for reading all of the way, again! (again, if you actually did, or you were looking for a lemon, you horny nerd) I appreciate the support, and the next book is indeed out! It's on my profile, as I said for this one. Look there for any new stuff and updates on things. Thanks!

See ya!

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