Chapter One

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Criminal Minds: Paralysing Anger.

I own no rights to Criminal Minds, I just really enjoy the show and thought I would give fanfiction a shot.

Quantico, Virginia

It was an unusually quiet, warm summery, Saturday in the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit, part of the National Centre for the Analysis of Violent Crime in Quantico, Virginia. The large open plan bullpen, which usually had a thoroughfare of people to rival New York's Grand Central Station, was deserted apart from a small handful of agents catching up on long-overdue paperwork.

The only sounds to be heard was the occasional tapping of computer keys, the scratch of pens to paper, the sound of desk fans blowing the warm air around and somewhere, just off the immediate area, a radio hummed quietly. Unit chief, Special Agent Aaron Hotchner and Senior Supervisory Special Agent David Rossi sat hard at work in their offices. Both looked out over the open planned bullpen area where Supervisory Special Agent (SSA)'s Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jereau and Alex Blake were sitting at their respective desks working away.

A burst of lively laughter rang out, making everyone look up, as a small, blonde floppy-haired, blue-eyed four year old came running into the area chased closely behind by a 6ft1 man.

SSA Dr Spencer Reid had long since finished his own paperwork and was happily enjoying playing with his young godson, Henry, whilst his mother, Jennifer, got on with her work.

Jennifer, or J.J. as she was affectionately known, had brought Henry to the BAU with her whilst his father, J.J.'s husband, Will, a D.C. Detective, was away in New York. He was delivering evidence to NYPD on a D.C. convict that had absconded, leaving Washington and most recently spotted in New York. Usually, Will had Saturday's off and looked after Henry but due to this unexpected trip and his usual Nanny, Sara, off sick with the flu, the young boy had come to visit where "Mommy caught the bad guys". And he was enjoying every minute, goofing around with favourite person- Spencer.

Known as Reid to his "BAU" family, the youngest member, at 31 was without a doubt the smartest in the team. A high school graduate at 12 years old and a certified genius with an I.Q. of 187, PhD's in Mathematics, Chemistry and Engineering, B.A.'s in Sociology and Psychology and an eidetic memory to boot he was a very beloved and extremely valued member of the team.

Spencer and Henry, having finished gambolling about, had settled down on a sofa in the coffee area to read a book. Spencer made sure to slow down his usual reading pace of 20,000 words a minute so that little Henry could read along.

A few pages in, the clicking of heels on linoleum could be heard in the distance drawing nearer. Soon enough, the bouncy, blonde, kaleidoscopic force of nature that was Penelope Garcia, BAU's Technical Analyst and all-round computer prodigy, came bounding into view.

Penelope, known as Garcia, was a ray of sunshine and lightness in this often dark and depressing place. She habitually brought humour and happiness with her bright colours and almost child-like positivity; sat in her bunker of an office with its wall-to-wall computer screens. Seeing evidence of the very worst of humanity, she chose to counteract the darkness with oodles of fluffy colourful toys and figurines and clothing to match- the girl was a walking Crayola factory. For that, she was truly loved.

Garcia was so loving and fiercely protective of her family. To her, they were her family. Orphaned at 18, these people were all she had. Aaron Hotchner and David Rossi were the protective father-like figures she no longer had. JJ, a cherished sister and best friend. Spencer, the younger brother she was so overly-protective of and Alex, the newest member of the BAU family, was swiftly becoming a close comrade.

Now Derek Morgan was a whole other story. He was the hunky and loving partner that wasn't. He was her "Sweet", her "Chocolate God" and she- his "Baby Girl" and "God-Given Solace". He was her rock and despite all the flirty banter back and forth and the deep love they had for each other, boundaries had never been crossed, and they were happy with that.

Garcia entered the area juggling two four-pack coffee cup holders. Everyone knew the coffee in this place, wasn't great, and Garcia had offered to make a coffee trip. She divvied out everyone's orders. Earning a peck on the cheek from Morgan, she brought the final three over to the coffee area, handing Spencer his flat white extra, extra sweet and a mini hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and cream to her adored godson Henry.

"Oooh Yay! Thanks 'nelope!" Sweet little Henry said with pure excitement and eyes the size of saucers.

"You are so welcome, my cuteness." Garcia replied with delight, ruffling the young boy's mop of white-blonde hair and leaning down to mock whisper in his ear "Don't tell Mommy, I got you extra, extra marshmallows." Laughing as J.J. looked over grinning "Shhh!" Garcia exclaimed jumping up, pretending to be caught.

"Oh you're in for it now Aunty Penelope, you've just volunteered to babysit this sugar-crazed terror tonight. Good Luck at bedtime!" J.J. mock-scolded.

The group joined in the central area by Rossi, took a break from the never-ending paperwork to enjoy their coffees and each other's company, sat laughing and joking. Hotch, who had been busy on the phone when Penelope dropped off his strong black coffee, came down the steps to the bullpen with his signature serious stare holding the manila folder that contained the dark notes of a no-doubt gruesome case.

"Sorry guys, I know this was supposed to be a catch-up day, but New York PD has just been in touch they have a case that they need BAU advice on ASAP. They have just linked two shootings to four others in the past month, including two deaths and without any idea of suspects, they are afraid that the Unsub is escalating fast." Hotch explained.

"J.J.? Do you have someone that can come take Henry?" he went on.

"No, his nanny is sick; that's why I brought him in with me today." J.J. responded looking at her wristwatch. "But, it's almost 1 pm by now Will should have handed over to NYPD, it wouldn't have taken massively long, and his flight back isn't until five, so he's just hanging out in the city until then. I can call him now and see if he can meet us and grab the little man and take him home with him. It's not ideal, but I think it's the only option." She finished frowning.

That was a suitable enough answer for Hotch, and he left to get ready, stating "Go bags ready, wheels up in 30minutes" over his shoulder as he left the area.

"Ooh Henry, you wanna come on a plane ride with us?" Spencer asked Henry firing up the little man's excitement.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!" Henry exclaimed jumping up and down on the couch. Spencer grabbed Henry and carried him fireman's lift over his shoulder as the young boy squealed with glee.

J.J. laughed at the two and looked over at Garcia, laughing she said "Good Luck Will. Penelope you have been reprieved."

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