Part Two - The Aftermath

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***Caution*** There is some course language. Ella gets a little spicy.***

"Ella! What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What am I doing here? This is my house! What are you doing?" I screamed at the two people I loved most in the world.


"Listen, Ella, it's not what it looks like," Mary said, pulling the sheet up around her naked body.

"Not what it looks like? It looks like my former best friend is having sex with my ex-boyfriend."

"I guess it does look like what it is," she mumbled.

"Ex? Don't say anything you'll regret later," Edward said.

"I'm not going to regret this. The only thing I regret is wasting so much time on you two giant pieces of shit. Get out of my house."

"What?" he asked.

"Get your shit and get out. I want you out. Both of you. Out of my house. Out of my life. I want you both to leave and never come back here again."

"But Ella, I'm your best friend!" Mary protested.

"Best friend? You are naked in my bed with my ex-boyfriend. You are not my best friend. You are nothing. Get your shit and get out. If I have to repeat myself I'm calling the cops."

They both jumped up and started scrambling for clothes. I stood there and stared. Watching them as they hurriedly pulled on pants and shirts. Edward stood there staring for a long moment, so I moved toward the closet and pulled down his suitcase.

"I want you and your shit gone. You have ten minutes to get it all and get out."

"What about my bed?"

"I bought the damn thing. You can drive past the house later tonight while I fucking burn it."

"If you're going to burn it..." he started.

"Out." I walked to his dresser and started pulling clothes out of it, throwing them at him. "Now."

I turned to look at Mary who stood in the doorway. "Why are you even here? Leave."

I heard her bare feet slap against the stone floors as she ran for the front door.

"Listen, babe..."

"If you say one more word, Ed, one more that's it. I will haul your ass out of here myself."

He looked at the ground and started picking up his clothes, slowly. Much too slowly for me. I walked to the window and opened it, turning around I scooped up a big armful of his hoodies and threw them outside.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"Don't want your shit on the ground? I suggest you pack faster."

"You know, this is my house too." He stood and crossed his arms.

"Yo...your house? Did you just say that my ancestral family home is your house? The house that has been in my family for 4 generations? No. Immediately no." I grabbed an armful of his pants and threw them out. "Your beloved PS5 goes next, asshole."

He grabbed his beloved console and the rest of his belongings and left the house, screaming the entire way. I called the locksmith and requested all of my locks changed at the same time I ordered an entire new bedroom set online.

Shit. Now what.

The house was quiet when I finally settled down on the couch. I hadn't really let myself feel what happened yet. The hurt crept in first. The betrayal. The anger. I let out a soul-crushing scream as the tears fell down my cheeks. I didn't even have my best friend to call to tell about all of this. 

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