Girls Night

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POV: Tess

"Duh," I said excitedly.

"Okay follow me," Booker said as he led me out of the room "Cover your eyes".

"Okay," I said curiously.

   He took my hand and led me in the direction of the living room and stopped me at the end of the hallway.

"Alright, you can open your eyes," He said and stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

  I opened my eyes and gasped. 

    There were snacks and soda on the living room table, a hair and nail station, and the couch was set up with blankets, popcorn, and candy for a movie night. I don't understand how he put all of it together without me noticing.

   I can't believe he did this for me especially considering how lazy he usually is.

POV: Booker

"Do you like it?"

" I love it. How did you pull all of this off?" She said, taking a seat on the couch and smiling.

"Well," I said sitting next to her and grabbing a blanket, "I know you said that you needed a girls night and Nia's not here. So I texted her and asked what you guys usually do at a girls night, and then I asked Levi and the moms if they could help me set up the living room while you were busy setting up your room."

"Wait, so Levi wasn't actually sleeping."

"Yeah that was just a cover"

"Dang, you really planned this out."

"Yup, so what do you wanna do first?"

"Umm, nails?"

"Okay, what colors do you want?" I said and walked over to the nail station.

"I want black and white for a checkerboard pattern"

"Alright, give me your hand," I said as I sat back down with her colors.

"Wait- you're doing my nails? I thought I was going to do my own and we were just gonna sit here and talk."

"Nope I'm gonna do them."

"Okay," she said and gave me her hand with a worried expression on her face.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Tess. I'm great at doing people's nails."

"If you say so."

30 minutes later

"Alright I'm done. How do you feel about them"

"I'm surprised, they actually look really good"

"I told you not to doubt me. I used to do Nia's and my mom's all the time."

"Well, maybe I should start getting you to do them more often," she said smiling and still checking out her nails.

"We'll see."

"What are you two talking about?" Mom said and we both jumped.

"Mom you gotta stop doing that," I said and Tess laughed.

"What, I can't walk around freely in my own house?" She said opening the fridge and grabbing her candy.

"I'm just saying a warning would be nice"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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