▫️ P1-4 Deep Cut ▫️

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The sun shone down on you as you made your way through Anarchy Avenue with Frye. She showed you a few of the more significant sights and introduced you to some of the locals. The two of you were about to head up the stairs to the battle tower, and also Deep Cut's studio, before something had caught your eye.
"Hey, uh, Frye?" You asked, sounding pretty concerned.
"Hm? Somethin' wrong?" She inquired.
You pointed towards a manhole. It housed what looked to be an inkling who was seemingly looking at you. "Who's that..?" You looked at the manhole, as the squid retreated back inside.
"Who's who, now?" Frye sounded a bit skeptical. "Oh well, c'mon!" She took your wrist and started sprinting towards the studio. You shrugged off the situation as you followed her.

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Both of you stood outside Deep Cut's studio, looking through the glass at Shiver and Big Man. Frye waved at them before guiding you through a door off to the right. Before you knew it you were in Deep Cut's studio. You looked around in awe, it looked even more fresh from the inside. All the colors worked with each other in perfect harmony. As you continued admiring the studio, Shiver greeted you.
"You must be Y/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." She waved her fan at you in a polite fashion.
"Ay ay! (What she said!)" Big man, instead of a fan, waved a flipper at you. You gleamed at them and introduced yourself.
You let out an awkward chuckle before you spoke ",Hi there!" You would've told them your name, but it seemed they already knew.
Frye gasped, as if she remembered something ",Hey, don't forget about your small fry!" Frye blurted, nearly making you jump.
"Oh, right." You maneuvered your bag onto your stomach. "This is Lil' Buddy!" You pulled him out of your bag and held him in your hands. He looked around the studio before hopping out of your hands and onto the floor. "Ack! Hey, Lil' Buddy!" He scurried over to Shiver and Big Man, dodging the jellyfish holding cameras. Frye backed away giving the small salmonoid space to move.
Shiver, seeing Lil' Buddy, put her fan down, and instead cupped Lil' Buddy in her hands. Big Man opted to back away from the small critter. Shiver let out a small chuckle before setting Lil' Buddy back on the ground.
"This way Buddy." You patted your legs as you said it, almost desperately. Almost immediately after you did, he made his way back over to you.
"Huh, that's a nifty trick, ain't it?" Frye said. "I guess he doesn't need any training then!" She walked over to her cushion with a pep in her step before sitting down. There was silence, until Big Man finally said something.
"Ay ay, ay. (Our broadcast is about to begin, stay if you wa-)" Big Man started, before he was cut off by Frye.
"Yeah, you should stay and watch. We'll be announcing the results to that Splatfest!"
"Ay! (Yeah!)"
"I bet my team won. Gear is clearly the most wise choice." Shiver claimed with a smirk on her face.
"We'll see about that! You can't live long without food, so I betcha a bunch of people chose grub!" Frye argued. The three laughed, before they were informed the Anarchy Splatcast was about to begin. You sat with your legs crossed beside a jellyfish holding a camera, then the Splatcast begun. Holding both your bag, and Lil' Buddy on your lap, you felt your phone buzz as it notified you of the Splatcast. Taking it out of your pocket, then viewing the screen, you flipped it closed. After, you looked toward Shiver, Frye and Big Man as Shiver started...
"Repping the Splatlands, we are Deep Cut!"

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