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Then shroud, micheal, schlatt and ranboo pulled up, with shroud driving, micheal breaking it down low on the roof, schlatt smoking weed relentlessly as if he was making out with it (🤩🤩😔😔😭😭😭😭😨😨😨😟😟😟) and ranboo just busting random moves in his seat.

Timmy threw a glass bottle at schlatt and he died instantly on impact

Philza gave shroud and actual drivers licence because he could actually drive

Someone was getting fucked in the storage room (probably ghostbur 😔😪😪)

Pitbull was breakdancing on one of the restaurant counters

Tubbo was having an existential chrisis nexto the drive thru window

There was a rotting shark corpse in the dumpsters, literally no one fuxking knew how that got there

The f.b.i had appearec and so had the.. what's the corporation for food safety- i forgot someone tell me

The pink sauce lady was getting stabbed in the toilet

There was a dinosaur literally just standing ontop of the roof sunbathing, umbrella, glasses, book and everything

There will be another chapter sfter this 🥱🥱

dsmp but mcdonalds drive thru?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant