- carnival

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" it's going to be so fun!"

lexi gushed to lia as the two girls planned their saturday. " so who's invited, like altogether"
" well so far, me,you, kenny, carly and charlie" lia said as she counted everyone on her fingers

" you think we should invite larusso?"
" sure, why not but, uh, your doing it!"

lia shut her locker and walked away from the girl who was just stuck with inviting a boy to hang out.

" hey anthony, i uh- was wondering if you wanted to hang out on saturday. loads of other people are going" lexi explained as the boy listened closely.
" who else is going?"
" lia, carly , kenn- " before lexi could even finish she was interrupted
"kenny?! yeah no i think i'm busy on saturday " he said.
lexi rolled her eyes " yeah sure whatever, but if you do change your mind, we're meeting at central park at 7."

lexi secretly hoped he'd change his mind. she wasn't the biggest fan of anthony as he was mean to kenny but he was nice to her.

" its 7.05 " lia said in  a sing-song voice to alexis
"he'll be here i'm sure" 
" well i want to go before all the good prizes run out" lia whined

as she finished he sentence, anthony strolled up on his phone walking quite slowly. " finally!" lia exclaimed
" what? god you guys are time freaks" anthony rolled his eyes " i'm not even that late"

they all walked together and made they're way along to the carnival. lexi noticed anthony walked slightly behind them and decided to join him.

" so what made you change your mind?" she questioned
" meh i don't know, i've got nothing better to do anyway"

as they walked, lexi and anthony continued to walk slightly behind everyone chatting on their own.

" that was literally the scariest ride ever!" lia said as the girls got off a ride. " you're so dramatic!" lexi rolled her eyes and laughed

lexis eyes lit up as she saw the sparkling ferris wheel, she especially wanted to go later in the evening so the ferris wheel was all lit up.
" please please please" lexi started begging lia

" i would but, i already promised kenny that we would play on the hoop game. but anthony has been staring at you all night, go ask him"
" ugh fine"
she would have much rather went on it with lia , who she considered her best friend.
anthony saw the girl walking up to him and smiled at her
" hey" " go on the ferris wheel with me"
lexi didn't phrase it as a question meaning to was kind of forcing anthony to go on it with her
"uh okay"

the two made their way to the ferris wheel, when their turn finally arrived they both got sat on the seat and the worker pulled the lap bar over them

soon enough the ferris started moving and lexi was loving it, anthony on the other hand, not so much.

lexi turned her head slightly to look at the boy
" what's wrong? you look slightly paler than usual"
" is this a good time to tell you i've got a fear of heights"
lexi giggled as the ferris wheel stopped as they were at the top
anthony's eyes widened and he gulped
" why has it stopped? are we stuck?" anthony panicked
lexi laughed at him and started rocking herself forward to make the seat shake a little
"stop! lexi i'm being serious!" anthony tried to be tough but around lexi he was himself and he couldn't fake a personality

lexi still rocking herself to make it shake, it started up again and anthony's hand darted to the lap bar coincidentally it landed on top of lexis hand.

anthony froze even more, should he take it off? should he not?
lexi only then felt the extra weight on her hand, she turned her head and her eyes met anthony's
anthony quickly took his hand of hers and straight ahead

" if your really that scared i can hold your hand"
lexi head out her hand sarcastically, anthony furrowed his eyebrows " are you being serious?" anthony never knew if she was serious or not
" no! ofcourse not anthony. calm down it'll be over soon"

and it was. soon enough they were off the ferris wheel
" it wasn't even that bad anthony "
lexi giggled to him
" yeah sure maybe it wasnt that bad." anthony knew it was bad but he couldn't be bothered fighting it anymore

rain droplets then started falling
" oh shit!" lia quickly put her hood up but lexi stood in her cropped shirt " fuck"
lia laughed " i told you, wear a hoodie"

anthony took off his purple hoodie and handed it to lexi
" here"
" oh, um, thanks" she put the hoodie on which was a little oversized but so was the majority of her hoodies.

" he likes you!"
the girls were now walking home, thankfully the rain had stopped but anthony's hoodie was keeping her warm
" he gave me his hoodie because it was raining! simple as that!"
" ohhh yeahhh so he could freeze in the rain! he did it so you wouldn't get cold!"
" think whatever you want lia"
" i will and i'm always right!" lia said smugly
as they got closer to lexis house they finished off their conversation
" have fun sleeping in anthony's hoodie tonight!" lia winked to her
lexi rolled her eyes

" hey your home! what are you wearing? who's hoodie is that?"
tory jumped up off the couch, she was scrolling on her phone waiting for her little sister to come home
" a friends" lexi said dryly
" we'll it's not lia's. it's a boys! tell me! who!"
tory was slightly excited
" larussos" lexi mumbled as she looked at the floor
" anthonys."
" anthony larusso?! your dating anthony larus- "

" no! goodnight tory!" lexi closed her door in her sisters face.

finally sorry it took this long for another chapter to come out! i like this chapter
i think it's cute
enjoy reading it guys!!

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