- english class

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lexi and her classmates all stood at the front of the class with , mr currie , their english teacher.

           " here at the front will be lia and kenny "
kenny's eyes lit up and lia gave him a big smile.

anthony had a small crush on lia, ofcourse he wouldn't tell any of his friends because they go off and tell her and their friendship would be ruined.

"and up the back, by the window, will be alexis and anthony. " lexi sighed to herself but put on a slight smile so anthony didn't hate her because she was mostly trying to make friends, not enemies.

     " what! and i don't even get the window seat"

anthony groaned
as lexi made her way to her seat she sat down on the aisle seat, anthony was walking behind her as he watched her sit in the wrong seat. he stared down at her
" what, you said you wanted the window seat" lexi pointed to the seat next to her
" um- thanks"

anthony had a confused look on his face as he sat down.
" wouldn't you rather have the window seat tho?" she puzzled anthony and no one had ever puzzled him.

everyone in this class, except for lexi, would die to sit next to the window, even if anthony begged anyone to swap they still wouldn't.

" this seating chart isn't so bad y'know " anthony leaned over and whispered to lexi " oh yeah? how come?"
lexi would have much rather sit alone or next to lia,

english was lexis favourite subject. she loved being a part of discussion in an english classroom, any other discussion and she was out.

" i got sat next to a nerd." anthony smirked

hi lilly here
it's been a week since i updated 😨
i've been so busy but i'm writing more chapters now
sorry this one was so short
just a filler
hope u enjoyed!!

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