- walk home

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lexis first day of school turned out to be okay.
she expected much worse, in the end anthony took her to the office. the slightly rude office lady instructed anthony to show her around, meaning they both won.

lexi got a tour and now knows her way around the school, and anthony got to miss first period.

during lunch, lia and lexi sat together and talked, lia told lexi all the boys she found cute, weird and they were interrupted by anthony and his friends which left quite quickly.

in her english class, she was alone. lia was in a different english but anthony was in her english. she was quickly informed that anthony skipped this class everyday because he had a bad seat. their english teacher decided since they had a new student. alexis. he would be changing their seating chart

in chemistry, the teacher allowed lexi to sit next to lia instead of sitting her by herself. only downside was that anthony and one of his friends sat right behind the girls.

anthony wasn't exactly lexis cup of tea. while girls swooned over him and talked to him any chance they got, alexis found him slightly annoying, especially from the incident this morning with the new boy, kenny. his first day wasn't as good as lexis. he got bullied and humiliated by anthony, his friends and even some older kids.

she got sat next to kenny in history. she loved history and kenny was actually quite nice, he was shy but quickly opened up to alexis.

in thier last class, pe, they were playing basketball and kenny was great at it which annoyed anthony. while taking a shot, the ball flew right into anthony's face. lexi couldn't keep in her giggles and got a glare from anthony. kenny apologised quickly to him , very sincerely, but anthony didn't accept it. she feared what he would do to kenny.

since it was a sunny day, lexi decided to walk home which took her a while longer but she enjoyed it. lia got picked up by her father, which lia introduced her too.
" hey new kid."
she didn't need to turn back to figure out who it was.

ofcourse it was anthony.

" first day wasn't too bad, hm lexi?"
her head shifted to the boy walking next to her.
" to you, it's alexis." anthony smirked, he knew he would call her 'lexi' just to get a reaction out of her.
" saw you got sat next to kenny in history. believe it or not i do slightly feel bad for you."

" i don't know why you hate him so much. he's seriously not that bad, he's nice"

she liked kenny, maybe not in a crush way but definitely as a friend. " he's funny too, and has great aim in basketball" she made sure to exaggerate the 'great' because she knew i'd piss him off

" he's a dick and throws basketball's at people's faces." lexi laughed.
anthony liked making her laugh. he liked her smile.
" someone told me we're getting a new seating chart in english?" lexi nodded.

              " i hope i get sat next to a nerd."

the rest of the walk wasn't so bad, yes she would have preferred to walk alone but walking with him wasn't so bad. anthony's house was first. she liked how it looked. it was a nice house. " well this is my stop. bye lex " anthony gave her a cocky smile as he said that. and she knew she would just have to get used to it

lexi sat in her room and finished off her homework. her sister was at the dojo so she had the place to herself. she liked that. she loved being alone in their home. since their mother just slept she could do basically anything. she felt bad for her mother, staying in her bed all must be tough.

lexi had already cleaned herself up for bed. her hair was washed, her sheets were fresh, finished her homework and caught up on her reading. before lexi fell asleep a notification popped up on her phone from instagram

larusso.anthony has started following you

she smiled.

hi lilly here again
second chapter finished. kinda boring but we got some lex and ant.
idk if i'll be following the script of cobra kai but i'll defo be mentioning somethings like tory at the dojo and yadayada
hope u enjoyed this chapter
idk leave some ideas for things u want to see
and vote for the book!!

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