No. He's not

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Ellies POV

I saw coco and Mark together and something inside me just broke. That's not what people do to one another. That's not a good healthy relationship. He is laughing and smiling with her and all I ever do is cause him tears.

After vacation back home

"Fuck, Ellie! Nothing happened!" Mark screamed at the top of his lungs. "Why do you always gotta be so dramatic about EVERYTHING?!" He usually never raised his voice like that while talking to me. I looked down at my brittle boyfriend who looked like he regretted his words.
"I'm sorry," he whispered as tears started clouding his vision. I absolutely hated to see him cry, but I tried my hardest to remain unfazed as I was trying to make a point. Just as I was about to give in and wrap him up in my arms, I remembered the reason he had me flustered in the first place.
"It's always the same thing with you, isn't it?" I snapped. "Why can't you just trust me?!" He snapped
"I trust you..." his soft voice continued.
"This isn't the first time this has happened!" I put both my hands either side my waist and took a deep breath. "I just don't know what to do with you. Things aren't as they used to be."
"I- I know... I- I'll change, I promise," he stuttered.
"You keep saying that. Every time I give you another change, you just go back to your old ways. It's like you're messing with my head..." I took another deep breath and said, "I think we should just break up."
"Ellie, no-" he got all choked up. "Please!" He begged. "This time will be different, I swear!"
"I'm sorry." Breaking up with him had to be the hardest thing I had ever done. I loved this boy. Or more so, who he used to be. I couldn't stand to see him crying because of me. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt him, but if he didn't get hurt, I was the one getting hurt - over and over again. There comes a time where you've got to put yourself first. "I think you should leave." That sentence came out a lot harsher than I had meant it to.
"Babe, please..." his voice broke at the end. I looked down to the floor and bit my lower lip to keep me from forgiving him.

"Goodbye my love" I whispered as I walked out of the door.

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