Are Lucid Dreams Good or Bad For You?

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The popularity of self-induced lucid dreams has grown in recent years. 

The most common reasons for inducing lucid dreams include wish fulfillment, overcoming fears, and healing. 

Some studies have also shown a link between inducing lucid dreams and overcoming the fear and distress associated with nightmares.

However, there is much debate over whether inducing lucid dreams is beneficial or harmful to mental health. Some researchers argue that creating lucid dreams , and that this can have negative implications for one's long-term mental health. 

Lucid dream therapy has shown to be largely ineffective for some groups, such as people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Some researchers have introduced another problem with lucid dreams: they are potentially disruptive to sleep. Since lucid dreams are associated with higher levels of brain activity, it has been suggested these dreams can decrease sleep quality and have a negative effect on sleep hygiene.

Frequent LUCID DREAMING - could potentially restructure the sleeper's sleep-wake cycle, which in turn may affect emotional regulation, memory consolidation, and other aspects of day-to-day life linked to sleep health.

Additionally, – a sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and irresistible sleep attacks – are more likely to experience frequent lucid dreams.

The study of lucid dreams is fairly new and largely incomplete. More research is needed to better understand these types of dreams and pinpoint why some people are predisposed to more frequent and intense lucid dreams.

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