Chapter 1: Gather

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Hello everyone! This is my first time writing a story so I'm sorry for any lack of action or the fact that the chapters might have fewer words than others, I hoped you enjoyed it nonetheless!

The main focal point of this AU is that Sabre is a survivor of an infection in the Steve Realm and he has to find a way to survive. Will he encounter other survivors? I don't know and neither will you! (Because honestly, I'm bad at fixing up plot holes so please just bare with me)

The upload schedule will not be consistent, as I mostly only write stories when I feel like it, so I apologize if I don't post for a week or longer! If I do get a hold of a schedule, however, you'll be seeing me posting weekly on Saturday!

Lastly, this story will have the following:
-Swear words
-Graphic descriptions of injuries
More will be added in future chapters, if you're not comfortable with any of the listed above I suggest you to not read this story! Other than that, enjoy!
It is the year 2̷̟̫͓̲̍͗̾̀̑̌̿ͅ0̶͇͗͌̔̐̌̒̋͒̒̅̉̇͋͊̈́Ẋ̵̢̣̦̺̙̳̦̘́̆͋̕X̴̢̛͍̣̭̦̙͎̺̝̼̊̈̄̏́͗̚͜ͅ, the Steve Realm is in ruins, one would assume when hearing its name that it contained a bright blue sky with vibrant green grass. But this isn't the case at all.

To bare the truth, the sky is filled with smoke while the grass is withered. No Steves can be seen on sight, well, the Steves that were once alive anyways. Its joyous nature has turned into emotionless husk entities, keeping their form but removing what's left of them.

Upon the crowd of husks, a periscope can be seen sticking out of the ground. In that tunnel is none other than the chicken man himself, Sabre. Sabre looked above for any threats, and when there were none but husks, he fell onto his bunker's floor and sighed.

How long have you been here?

You can't stay here forever

These thoughts flooded through his mind, he had stayed in this bunker ever since the infection started. Because he had not a lot of food to begin with, he had to partake in dangerous missions just to get the simplest food that's still available in this misty land, how is he still alive? No one knows, really. No one that's alive.

Don't even get him started on his clothing. His used-to-be bright white onesie is now stained with traces of blood and tear, as well as splatters of pale yellow replacing the white. His mustache started to grow back, even though he tried so hard to shave them off once a week.

It's not like it matters now anyways, the most important goal right now is to survive until the outbreak ceases to exist. But how? It's not like it'll just disappear as if nothing happened, it'll STAY infected if no one does anything. Sabre surely isn't the one who'd save the entire Steve Realm from an apocalypse, he's mostly focused on keeping himself safe and eliminating any threats that come in his way.

This day is just like any other, he can't remember how long it has been since the infection started, he tried scratching the bunker's walls to count, but after a while, he just gave up seeing as how pointless it was.

Sabre, after looking at the bunker's ceiling and daydreaming, finally got the energy to get himself up and eat something before he starves to death.

Bad news, the food storage ran out.

Sabre facepalmed in anger, he knew it ran out, but he was too tired to fetch food yesterday that he fell to the ground and slept for an entire day.

As much as he doesn't want to, he'd have to open the bunker's doors and survive the infection to find an empty village for food, the worst case scenario is that he won't find any and he'd have to starve for a day or two until he does. But hey, he hasn't died yet despite being in an apocalypse for who knows how long, so what's saying that he'd die now?

He walked towards the bunker's doors and picked up his trusty nailed bat next to him. The bat is stained with blood while its nails are crooked from the use. He tightened up his blindfold and put on his handmade gas mask.

His hand held the door's handle and he opened it, exposing the outside world's air in front of Sabre. It didn't bother him much, however, as this isn't anything new to him.

He locked the bunker, and with his worn-down bat, he walked into the misty atmosphere.
Total: 590 Words

I'm sorry that the first chapter had such a low word count! I tried to write down as many main points as possible so you'll know what happens in future chapters :D

The Apocalypse (A Steve Saga AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu