Chapter 1

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"It's quite late to be buying groceries don't you think?" the cashier inquired
-"Well yes, but It's a lot more quiet than in the day time." Y/N responded, although a bit suprised that the cashier cared, they were friendly but Y/N didn't suspect them to care.

"Good point, but aren't you worried about running into the blueblood killer?"
-"Trust me ma'am, I'm more than capable of handling it myself."
"If you say so. The total is 30 dollars and 50 cents."

Y/N nodded and gave the money to the cashier. As they were about to leave however, they heard the voice of the cashier yelling after them "Please still be careful though!"

As Y/N left the grocery store, they put on their earphones on and started walking back home.

They weren't playing anything though, Y/N wasn't stupid.

They weren't playing anything, because Y/N knew, if someone was following them, they'd have no idea that Y/N could hear them.

And that's exactly what happened.

Y/N started hearing footsteps behind them, so they decided to switch up the route to make sure they weren't being followed.

But they were still being followed, Y/N started preparing themselves mentally for a fight, when they suddenly couldn't hear the footsteps anymore and they turned around.

But nobody was there.

As Y/N was turning back around someone grabbed them from behind.

But Y/N was always prepared, they backwards head butted the man, making him let go, letting Y/N turn around and have a good look at the threat.

He was a lot taller than Y/N, muscular with tattoos, he was also bald and was wearing black clothes.

He immediately went for another grab, but Y/N managed to dodge it, although barely. As he was falling down, Y/N grabbed him and kicked him in the stomach with their knee.

Y/N, seeing that the guy was not giving up, decided to run for it, Y/N did know some martial arts, but not enough to stop this monster.

So Y/N ran as fast as they could, sometimes looking back to see how close the man was

But they didn't expect to be two of them, and as Y/N passed an alleyway, they were suddenly pulled into it

Another man put a hand on Y/Ns mouth and stabbed a needle into their neck

Making Y/N quickly pass out

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