Mark said, "Like a baby's smoother, we are going to roll in nice and sneaky. We are going to split, go trio, and spread out a little.

"Oprah! It's such a wonderful taste you got." I said, picking up the pawn. "May I remind you that I'm a big fan of the game." I twisted my neck, trying to harness that comfort. "Every time I play this game, it gives that anxiety to my opponents. That which makes them think their world is crumbling into cheff and duff... Chaos!" I could feel my cheeks in pain when I gave that mad man smile. It was worth it, a sure footing stunt that made it to her nerves.

Inspite of her attitude and a tasty spice towards me, she tied her hardcore bad ass claws in loops, tried to act like my date, smiled from inside, vigorously and phrased, "Swing, swing and swing down with the chewed bones and brocken Jaws. I didn't want to hurt you, my love. It's just that you're keeping things from me."

"You're so romantic!" Did I say that? I was so pathetic, and I loved it.

"Stop, you're making me flutter," she said meekly. This time, she performed quite so well. I almost believed her. Do you want to know what she really looked like? Well, at first site, you might not assume she could hold big guns and knives.

I know what you are thinking; something going in the lines of playing chess with the enemy. For the record, I didn't go rogue, and I wasn't drugged. None of those staff. In fact, I was in my best mood. Of course, the turture and goosebumps were a bit threshing, but what doesn't kill me makes me what? If I did utter anything, I would be betraying myself for chess's sack. If you haven't heard the word 'stalling', I feel pity for you.

Here is a little tip, the King is a slow piece that can move only one step in every direction, so don't judge me.

It's pretty clear that you already have that 'I can't wait' face of seeing dead bodies all over the holy basement of Dhalom only because you know Mark and his crew are already across the woods to my rescue. Do you think Mark did this out of love? Let's just say that. Princess to the rescue as you wish.

Meanwhile, I had to deal with my squiffy Queen Dhalom. Well, she ruled all over the place. She got a couple of nails from me, each from each thump. It was amazing and fun.

When I picked the pieces, blood dripped onto the chess table. There, also was blood all over the murky rough floor, not so sure if it was mine because it was quite plenty. Some of it was already dry and platy showing signs that there was a hell of another talent show held before.

I said, "Lastly, before what you all have been longing to witness, "I think we are making history around here."

I saw her lips. She wanted to say something, but the hook kind of a trauma had ripped her voice. I was certainly sure of that.

I couldn't count the bullets out there because the guns my fellows were using were a bit Morden. All I knew was that some random bad guys you wouldn't feel pity about were dying.

Here, where I was seated tied up, being watched all in my pants was my lunatic showing no signs of panic. It surprised me a lot. Despite that, I ignorantly embraced my grace. Shaft mode! I breathed to that foretold victory.

I asked, "Are you having a stage fright?"

"Shut up!" she hosed her voice to my face. She is out on her bullet-proof vest.

I smiled with excitement. I raised my eyebrows up out of regression.
In a moment, the air stood, rhythms of heartbeat took over, and sneaky footsteps above us made that deep long squeak. It repeated twice, while two men in front of me helped their guns up.

Before they opened their fire, I louded, "You're twelve o'clock!!"

Bullets rained up, perforating the whole wooden surface. They did it until they took a break to listen again. There is no sound at this time.

Dhalom stood there holding her gun, looking all around. I studied her, and I knew she had an escape plan.

The next moment, I saw one of the two men falling to the ground, following the other, and the sounds of gunshots came into my ears a split second after. The next thing I remember was Dhalom pointing a gun to my head. I could feel her pounding breath.

She said, vaguely, "I will shoot him!"

For a moment, Mark stood there quiet. He had thoughts running in his mind.

"I will just walk out of here, and you can have him." She said, dragging me to the door.

Before I could get hold of what was about to happen, I felt the bullet going through my chest.

I felt Dhalom letting me go while she rushed up the stairs. Mark's man followed her, and he stopped him.

The energy flitted out of my body with a sad sigh coming out low. I took it hard to bend my head slowly to Mark, and I saw him moving sharply towards me. He held my head up.

He said, looking tense, "This had to end, man. We both know how much risk you have been waging upon both of us."
He let go of my head, and I just went lights out. Shallow waters flowing out a smooth tub stream, the life in me becoming an hourglass was what began to take place. I told you, Mark is not a sweetheart.

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