Chapter 3

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A thud, is it?

It's me, twisting the door handle, finding it hard to open and it rang in my mind that she did it again.

"Babe!!" I shouted. There was a track of country music. I listerned to the first line, the second and l confirmed it, kane brown. She probably didn't hear me, so I called again. This time, it was opened.

She brought me a warm hug and those wet lips which tested like Cherry.

It quickly reminded me. "I brought you a pie!"

Did I mention that I later on went for that pie. Except that it was a cherry pie.

She partiarly grinned in disappointment and said with a tender touch in her tone, "Honey! I already got that one from Thomas."
I said nothing.

She looked at my sulky face and irrationally said, "I can eat that later." She touched my hand and forcibly walked me away from the door.

She rushed to the bathroom to prepare for a shower and I waited on the kitchen table.

I sat there, at a high stool, starring at the pie, felt the lump of furmishment and started digging in. It tasted different than it looked. I almost puked. Something was definitely wrong with this pie. I quickly grabbed it, clamped my foot on a small bin, threw it and I jumped. My hair twined up.

She freaked me out. "What are you doing?" She stared at me. "Oh honey I'm so sorry," she said, guiltily.

My toung was stuck. I had to say something. "It wasn't your fault," I definetly didn't say that.

I turned to her and said, "I thought of getting you something better... a juice."

She was wearing her sheep fur white nightgown, not tied to her waist but, briefly letting me see her clivage and all the way down. She came closer, touched my hands and pulled them around her letting me feel her warmth and satisfaction. I knew she loved me and that's why I had to leave my past behind.

She whispered, "Or you can just warm the shower for me."

I swallowed some saliver. You could see the movement of my tranchea.
I said to myself, "I wouldn't rest, if I were to lose her."

We litterally took it slow to the shower. As soon as I head the warm water sluicing above us, I finally grabbed the bubble bath. While she tightly plated on my chest, arms around my neck, her claws jabbed on my back, I tried to balance myself to the tiled wall, making sure I wasn't to let us fall and she finally let go and laughed. We were so over each other.

Wait, was it just a laugh I heard? I heard it again. It was a thud. I pulled off, dried my face, took her rob, walked over to the door and slowly opened it. I ignored when she called me to wait.

I stealthly moved along the corridor, making the breath that could be heard by myself, only and reached for the Kitchen cabinet. I soundlessly opened the drawer, scrapped the utensils and instantly felt a cold metal on the back of my heard. I froze!

The man whispered, "Take it."

I felt the sharp edge of a knife on my finger tips, carefully grabbed it and let him see it. My heart was cooking stones, but I acted calm.

He stretched his left hand and I gave it to him. He simply asked, "Where were you going to stab me?" He raised his head up.

At the time, I was standing, facing him and I had no idea who he was. You might know him as Jim, but I didn't. Was he sent by Danzura? No! He wouldn't do that. I clearly set things with him and his mob. There were no government traces. His business was safe.

The man saw through the reel in my mind. He asked, again.
To his chest. No! He might had done the same to me, so l said, "Firstly, you would have fought me, struggled, probably, and I would've pierced you on the thigh. The left one." I spoke, calmly. I gave a suppressed shrieking followed by a groan, making sure she didn't hear me and I finally closed my mouth. I saw the knife deep in my flesh blocking any possible blood leak.
She called my name asking if everything was okay.

I said it was fine, but my tone sold it out. I heard her cluttering and she came out naked.

A bullet went through her hand and another one into her stomach. The gun she held fell from her hand followed by her wet body. She fell with her front side.

I cried out to her, but the gun shifted and pointed out to me to shut me up. My senses quickly reversed the whole thing and I had to ask myself where she learnt how to handle a gun. I was completely terrified and surprisingly, the man looked so calm. Probably, clear consciences.

I turned to Lissa and she lay still and quiet. Was she dead? I guessed not, because it was too early. The bullet didn't hit the vitals, I supposed. If I could wheedle him to save her, I would, but first, I had to listen to what he was to say.

He rested on the chair, stared at both of us and waited as if he didn't know what he was doing. He took it slow to smile as he looked into my eyes.

He said, "Let's say I'm a guest and you have this thrilling story, you have to tell me. And I'm listening."
"She's dying," I begged.
"I know, so you better cut the story short, make it snappy,"
"Don't tell him anything," she said, dyingly.

Anything, that I had no clue of. Was she hiding something? Did she knew about me, the murder charges, that they were not just charges?

I heard her weak voice and I cried, "Clearly, man, if I had something, I would've told you already."

I checked on Lissa, she seemed calm and I was wondering if she was on the verge of losing her great life with me. This was not good. There was too much of her blood on the floor.

"In five, she will be dead and I can stop that from happening, if you tell me a story."

When I saw that she was beyond saving, I erected, not physically, but thought of, later, at the right time.

"Okay, let's try something something more physical, shall we?" Jim said.

I knew by the time he stood, he was coming to play ding-dong with my knife. This was my chance, ready, waited and he drew to my ears whispering he was getting bored.

A vague notion came in that instant, telling me to make use of the knife in that half of a blink I had. I didn't feel it coming out of my leg. All I heard was him groaning, the knife in his chest, blood bubbling out of his mouth, spilling on my dead girlfriend's gown and in that moment, I secured the gun. His body lost power coming right at me. I pushed him and he fell on the carpet. Stupid of him. What was he thinking? Coming closer to me?

"Tell you what, I was getting bored too," I said, but he was already dead for sure.

I took a moment to mourn her, but it was a bit irrelevant for she seemed to be aware of the whole thing.

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