Chapter 20 - Final Selection PT. 2

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——————Continuing Chapter 20—————

——————Continuing Chapter 20—————

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Silence was all that the girls were greeted with when they went past the wisteria borders. Distant screams being heard of every now and then as they walk cautiously around the mountain.

"Seven days.. Seven days, Daisy! I thought we'd be trapped in here for a day, not for an entire week! I would've packed.." Diana sulked, Daisy looks at her with a 'really?' Look.

"That shouldn't be your concern right now, cause literally a vampire could pounce on us right now and here we are complaining that this place doesn't offer food and water.." Daisy muttered, pulling Jades sword out of its sheath and looking around for any danger.

"Being trapped here for seven days is the only thing I'm concerned about! We'll be trapped here with others and vampires for a week.." Diana complained, however she had a serious look on her face. She knows that she can take on vampires due to her experience with Jade, but she doesn't know if she'll be able to do it.

Even though Diana is a strong student, she still has feelings of fear like any other person. Of course she'll feel scared when they actually get attacked by a vampire, their life is basically at risk here. She doesn't know if she'll be able to survive with her feelings bothering her like this.

Daisy frowns and lowers her sword, putting it back in her sheath. Sighing and hugging Diana, trying to comfort her in such a dire situation. "Hey. It's okay, we'll be alright okay? We'll make it out alive. And we promised that to Master Jade right?" Asked Daisy, Diana hugged her back and nods. A small smile forming on both of their faces.

A rustle caught both of the girls attention and they tense immediately, both bringing out their swords out of their sheaths. 'It's a Vampire..! But where..? It's too quiet.' Daisy thought, looking around and calculating.

'It's too quiet. And a vampire wouldn't charge into two students head on. They would sneak up on us..' Diana's eyes widen and she looks up.

A vampire all of a sudden appeared from the trees, his hands extended, his face having a hungry look. Diana grabs Daisy and dodges out of the way in time, the vampire crashing onto the ground and kicking up a dust cloud that covers itself from the girls sight. Diana yelps slightly when she didn't stick the landing, Daisy landing on her.

The two girls quickly got up and got in a fighting stance, scanning the area in front of them to find the vampire that pounced on them earlier. Diana grit her teeth at the uncomfortable silence, "Show yourself bitch! If you want our blood, then come fucking get it!" Diana shouted no longer wanting to wait for the attack, Daisy looks at her with a bewildered look.

"What are you doing?!" Daisy whisper shouted,  Diana shushed her and looks around. Her eyes widening when she found the vampire lunging at her and her only, an angered look on his face.

Vampire Slayers - The Fall - VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now