Tormentors vs Redhood

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But as they realize they see a tattoo on Izuku shoulder.


Izuku: for one don't you raise your voice at me I'm not your son and I accept so you all will know that I'm not the person to fuck with and show you that I'm not weak.

As Momo got up from his lap that she was sitting on that the tormentors didn't like at all especially the girls since Momo was more thicker then them and since she saw that before Izuku decided to walk off she grabbed his cock to ensure that his cock was hers and it will forever be hers and it made them even more jealous.

Tanya: take your hands off my husband cock it belongs to me.

Katusmi: that's right whore.

Shoka: Izu cock belongs to me

Izumi: stay away from my Oni-Chan

Momo: bitch please don't step up to a Queen that there got my name on it and guess what.

Tormentors: what

Momo: there's a child inside of me right now and guess what he didn't even tell me he was gonna cum even tho I wanted it.

Tenya: YOU RAP-

Aizawa: shut up and get ready to lose to him because none of you though of the outcome of what's to come you better hope he doesn't kill you people.

Katsumi: Ichan wouldn't kill his future wives I'm sure of it.

Aizawa: then explain Momo because last I checked that was his wife not you.

Izumi: we will show him that we are better then her just watch you all are gonna bow down to all o us as your king and queen.

Tenya: that's right you gonna wish that you would help us.

Aizawa:(I guess I know who's dying and who's not)

Katuski: you are fools to believe that you are gonna win just because it's one of him vs you all doesn't mean he's weak I've learned along with icyhot brother that's not gonna being beat the shut out of y'all.

Katusmi: your gonna wish that you never gotten weak we will show you.

Shoto: your funeral

Endeavor: son you don't even want Yaoyurzu you can have her under your cock for your sake.

Shoto: nope I came to a realization that I have someone else better I don't need Yaoyurzu to make my life better and I see that she's happy so imma let her stay with Todd I ruined the relationship between me and him and I'm gonna do it the right way so be prepared to take your L.

As they walk away the rest thought of plan which wasn't even solid proof and got ready to take Izuku back home to make them a househusband. Later has come and Izuku is in his Redhood outfit.

 Later has come and Izuku is in his Redhood outfit

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