My heart broke at the weakness in his voice and I knew I couldn't let him down. This isn't just about me. And it isn't just about Apple.

Marlo is involved.

Her Abuela is involved.

  Everyone who gives a damn what happens to us is involved and everything relies on me... saving Apple.

I gave Marlo a reassuring glance and crawled out of the car. I know he wanted to come but I just couldn't let him. I had already made it clear that I was to go alone. Otherwise, I'm afraid having him with me would spook these people into killing Apple.

That's a chance I can not take.

Walking into the carnival, I keep my eye on every little movement around me. So far no people, just leaves blowing in the night breeze.

Despite the lack of life, I know people have stayed here. Behind the Ferris wheel is a trailer home with beer cans on the ground around it. Next to that trailer home is a large blue container, probably just used for storage.

I started to think I had the wrong place when I heard a painful groan behind me and turned to find Apple, being shoved to her knees.

Two men stood behind her, one on each shoulder, and a third stepped in front of her. I recognized the two men holding her as the ones who attacked us in our apartment.

The one to the right had a beaten and bloody face, making me want to grin. I didn't recognize the man standing before me.

He was wearing a cheap watch, a suit that didn't fit. His black hair was gelled back and he seemed to think he was the shit.

I have Pajamas that closet more than him, filthy wannabe.

Worry consumed me as I looked at Apple. She didn't appear to be physically injured from what I could see.

Everything melted away when I looked at her, including my rage. Nothing else mattered but her. She has to survive this.

  "You brought the money?" The guy in the cheap suit asked, drawing my attention away from Apple.

  I lifted up the briefcase in my hand and felt a drop of water hit my finger as it started to sprinkle.

  "627k in cash. Give her to me,"

  "That's not how this works, Aric Levine," the man grinned, flashing me yellow teeth. "Give is the money and we'll give you the girl,"

  I cursed myself as I handed him the case, pleading, praying to any higher being out there for them not to count it.

The fucking prick set it down on the dirt, now fading to mud, and opened it. I watched as he looked through it and the moment he got that look on his face, the one that told me they were all about to know it wasn't nearly enough, I pounced.

I grabbed the guy with the cheap suit, shoving him to the ground. My fists reigned down on his, the blood mixing with the mud and the rain grew harder.

"Aric!!" I heard Apple shout and I looked up to one the men coming towards me with a knife. The cheap suit guy was out cold so I rolled away from him and readied myself for the next guy.

I could see that the beaten bloody one from the other night had pulled her to her feet as I dodged swings and slashes from the guy attacking me.

His fist connected with my jaw and i grunted, landing face first in the mud. When I looked up I could see Apple being dragged away from me and towards one of the abandoned building.

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