Baseball Champion.

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  Bruce Yamada was good at baseball, no, not just good, Bruce Yamada was the best at baseball. He had scored a home run helping his team win the game, cheers erupted from the crowd as he ran. As he got to home base he ran to his team mates in excitement giving them all high-fives with the biggest smile on his face. Baseball was Bruce's life, his favorite thing ever, you would usually see him practicing after school at the baseball field with his friend, Finney Blake. Finney also played baseball, he was the pitcher for Bruce at todays game. He had a hell of an arm, he almost got Bruce out but at the last strike Bruce hit the home run. Both Bruce's and Finney's team exchanged high fives before leaving the field. Amy, Bruce's sister leaped into his arm congratulating him over and over again. Bruce couldn't contain his laugh and bursting into laughter as Amy went on and on about how good he did in the game. Amy loved her brother as much as he loved baseball, she always looked up to him and saw him as a role model. She loved watching Bruce play and would tell him how good of a job he did. After everyone had left, Amy left with a couple of her friends as Bruce left on his bike home. Before returning home, Bruce went to the Grab N' Go and got a cold bottle of coke. Surprisingly, he didn't see Vance at the pinball machine. Vance was like a magnet to that machine, he would spend all his money and all his time to play on that machine. Bruce didn't see why he would spend so much money on a game so he decided to give it a try, people gathered around him. He glanced out the window a couple of times to make sure Vance wasn't coming because if anyone got near his precious machine he would flip. Bruce kept playing until he heard the bell of the door ring, the air felt ... disturbed almost, but Bruce was to concentrated on the game to notice who it was. Luckily, it wasn't Vance but unfortunately it was one of Vance's friends. Bruce tried his best not to get noticed by the friend but failed, Vance's friend leaned against the wall next to the pinball machine and Bruce immediately noticed him. It was Clark, he was one of Vance's friends but wasn't much of an ass, Bruce sometimes talked to him since they have 1st and 3rd period together.

"Bruce no fucking way your going to beat Vance's high score! Mess up or he will beat the living shit out of you!!" Clark somewhat yelled as Bruce's score went higher and higher.

Bruce on the other hand didn't mess up, he couldn't even hear Clark's voice over how concentrated he was on the small metal ball. Bruce was pretty darn good at this game and turns out he was better then Vance because he beat his high score. More people crowded inside and outside around the machine and Bruce's score went even higher then before. It was when the ball fell down into the wrong hole making him come back to reality. He looked at the top of the machine "NEW HIGHSCORE!" Lit up on the screen, shit. What did Bruce get himself into, surely when Vance found out he would hunt Bruce down and torture him. Everyone cheered for Bruce until they heard the bell ring, everyone turned around and standing there was the tall muscular blonde, his beautiful blue eyes were focused on Bruce and the machine behind him. Bruce was in deep shit now.

first chapter!!

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