Guinevere Elysium

27 0 18


♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚


↬ Full name ↫

↬ Guinevere Elysium

↬ Nickname ↫

↬ Gwen

↬Age ↫

↬ 18

↬ Birthday ↫

↬ December 31st

↬ Birthplace ↫

↬ A mostly dead planet called Perdita

↬ Zodiac ↫

↬ Capricorn

↬ Height ↫

↬ 5' 4"

↬ Gender ↫

↬ Female

↬ Orientation ↫

↬ Straight

↬ Species ↫

↬ Human

↬ Social Class ↫

↬ High Class

↬ Wealth ↫

↬ She used to be wealthy, now not so much.

❝Even if I wanted to go back, everything is gone... I killed my home.❞


♚ R A T I N G S ♚


↬ Psychological strength ↫


↬ Physical strength ↫


↬ Close quarter combat ↫


↬ Distanced combat ↫


↬ Leadership ↫


↬ Wisdom ↫


↬ Intelligence ↫


↬ Confidence ↫


↬ Endurance ↫


❝The world is so large, yet I'm supposed to experience it in such short time?❞


♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚


↬ Normal mood ↫

↬ Guinevere is very soft spoken and sensitive. She tries to be sweet, but can often come off as extremely morbid. Due to this, many often do not stay around her and she is often left alone. When she isn't alone,the people around her eventually leave or die, causing her to feel more alone. She has learned to distance herself due to this and believe that she is the unlucky charm that causes the deaths of people. She is warm otherwise after the cold meeting, getting very attached to people that stay longer than a month.

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