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You and Wanda had met a little bit after the Westview episode. The first time you two saw each other it was like instant love and you internally felt a deep connection to her. It wasn't like anything you ever felt before, it was stronger and like a soulmate connection. When she was sad, happy or distressed you could feel it within you deep down and it was making you act instantly to go to her. At first Wanda wasn't really open for anything to be honest she just was curious to understand what was making her feel so attracted to you, and honestly it was the same for you. The exact day you met, Wanda had brought you to her cottage where their was meters and meters of beautifull growing apple tree that covered the land of the propriety. You where reticent to follow someone you didn't even knew at first since when you where a child, your mother always told you to be careful of people. Nonetheless, this time with her their was something that was making you feel safe and you just stopped caring. Of course, that was in the unknown that you actually were in the presence of the scarlet witch but anyway.

After a little bit the two of you after spending sometime outside ended up in the house, sat in front of the fire to warm both of your body. Wanda made you each a cup of tea and finally sit asside of you on the sofa covering herself with a blanket. Silence crowded the room making you a little bit uncomfortable. Without noticing, during this time your blue eyes where on the women just asside of you. More and more that your irises spent observing her you realised that she was the most beautiful creature you ever seen. Being with her make you feel right, it was making you feel protected and safe. Of course you had a lot of question and was unsure of what to do and what was to come next but you waited. You waited to see what she would do or tell you and it didn't take long for you two to open up to each other. You never knew why but when she told you about all that happened to her in Westview and about her powers of her used of the dark hold you never felt in danger. You felt flattered about the trust she was putting in you and you gave her your trust to by telling her about your childhood and the way you lost your parents at the age of 10. You both understood the pain of the other and felt responsable to make the other feel better. After this day your relationship never stopped growing stronger. It moved from friendship to soulmate and you became Wanda's baby girl and she became your mommy. You grew to know much more about Wanda to end up knowing everything about her. The way she felt the way she thought cuz after all you could read her mind and she could read yours...yes it's a power that came with the love you had for each other. She was terribly possessive and jealous, this without mentioning her controlling behaviors when it comes to you. And it became even worst 1 years ago when you two got married. Not like their was really any reason for her to be like that. After all you where practically never leaving the land on which you first met and you had no friend and family to go see so all your time was spend with her. You in her arm being cuddled and kissed like the little girl you were and being taken care of by your mommy. However, you knew Wanda had reason to be like that with you, you where well aware of all the people she loved that she lost, vision, tommy and billy, Pietro. She just wasn't going to loose you like them and it maked her a little paranoid that without talking about the poeple that where after her for the Westview episode, but you still loved her more that anything in the world and wouldn't change what you had with her for anything. To be honest you literally didn't knew what you would do without her after close to 4 years with your mommy. That was the situation you where in right now.

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