📃The secret of the Maiden of Life📃

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In this AU, this is were Gingerbrave was the reincarnation of a powerful maiden cookie, Gingerlight.

While expanding the kingdom, Gingerbrave and her friends found a secret entrance during the expansion as she, Wizard Cookie and Alchemist Cookie explored the old ruins.

While exploring, Gingerbrave found secret passage way and followed the strange yet calming presense while Wizard Cookie and Alchemist Cookie realized Gingerbrave wasn't with them anymore and had to search for her.

When Gingerbrave was exploring, she first encounter a small beautiful room with small water currents from each of the corners and in the middle of the room was a huge statue of a cookie with flowers decorated with it.

The statue of a cookie was none other than Gingerlight, the mystic Maiden of Life.

But what caught her eye was something was glowing beneath the statue's hand, but when she got to take a closer look, the glowing light dashed towards her and entered her body making Gingerbrave's vision to see flashing memories before she passed out.

That's where Wizard Cookie and Alchemist Cookie found her and took her back to her home as a new journey begins.

About Gingerlight:

Gingerlight, also known as the Cookie Maiden of Life, was a powerful deity who helped her cookiekind to live the peace and happiness they truly wanted. She was a kind and loving cookie who would do everything in her power to protect and help all cookies in any way she can.

She was also friends with the Ancient Hero Cookies back on the days.

However, during the Dark Flour War, Gingerlight used every single of her power to protect her dear friends, thus, sacrificing her life for them to live. Only in exchange for her own life.

Thus, she disappeared in the war, never to be seen or heard again.

However, what everyone wasn't aware that she was reincarnated to another cookie.

Thus, Gingerbrave is born, who is Gingerlight's reincarnation.

Tips for this AU:

-The light that went inside Gingerbrave's body was Gingerlight's powers, which means her powers were now transfered inside Gingerbrave.

-She can communicate Gingerbrave through meditations, sleep and much more

-Since she had unique powers that no cookie can ever study or encounter, anyone wanted that power either for their greed or anything bad for their rights, that's why Gingerlight had to hide her powers away after the Dark Flour War

-Somehow, Dark Enchantress Cookie found out that Gingerbrave is Gingerlight's reincarnation and wanted her alive for purposes

-The Ancient Heros are protective of Gingerbrave once they found out that she's Gingerlight's reincarnation

And that's all for this chapter, might edit this soon.

Anyways, see ya all next time!

Female Gingerbrave AU Oneshots and StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now