Chapter 5: Tim

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I first see Lucy in the bullpen as Grey is briefing us on John getting a golden ticket. We lock eyes this time as she asks me what she missed. We were listening to Grey talking when Lucy and I hear a loud noise. I identify it as Jake's phone, I see Lucy smirking at me because I feel awkward about the song that was Jake's ringtone. It was 'Boom! I Got Your Girlfriend' by The Boys From The Bottom.

"It's Jake's phone!" is my defense to every pair of eyes in the bullpen that's looking at me. It's a call from Hajek so Angela, Lucy, and I leave the bullpen as I answer the phone call.

"Finally, I didn't think you'd call us."

"Yeah well, we had a change of plans. You both need to get here in the next half hour. Our plane leaves in an hour."

Angela and I look at each other as I hear Lucy saying "A half hour? I travel with three suitcases minimum. It requires precision to look this good."

But Hajek doesn't buy it and says: "Though! I'm paying you to drive not to play dress up so get your asses over here if you still want this job." He disconnects the call after that.

We call the tattoo artist to get started on my tattoos. By the time she gets here, I already put tonnes of gel in my hair. The tattoo artist covers my right arm and neck in fake tattoos, I look in the mirror and barely recognize myself.

I walk back to the interrogation room we're meeting in and check myself out in the mirror. Angela joins me.

"It's scary how quickly you turn skeevy!"

"Yeah! Why couldn't Jake be less greasy!"

Lucy walks in with a full face of Sava-make-up and a blouse that makes my mouth slide open. I quickly close it again and hope she didn't notice.

"You ready to go Sava?" I ask

"Yep! Let's do this, Jake!".

We arrive at the meet-up place and see a private jet ready to go. I look at Lucy and notice that she's trying to hide her worry. I know her better than that and tell her. "It'll be OK."

She takes a look at me and nods in agreement.

"You're late!" shouts Hadjek when we're close enough to hear him.

"Yeah well, our quickie wasn't so quick". Lucy says to him as I can feel her casually brushing herself to me.

Lucy and I noticed the stacks of black boxes that were coming with us on the plane.

"That's a lot of gear! I say

"It's a big job." One of the men in front of us replies.

"Are you finally gonna tell us what it is?" Sava asks.

But they weren't buying it. We needed to drop the cell phones in a bag. Sava looked at me with a frown but Hajek says: "You'll get them back once the job is done. Can't risk operational security."

To which Sava says: "Hear that, baby! We're in the big leagues now using terms like 'operational security". 

I can feel Lucy putting one arm around me tightly. I tried to not think as Tim today but to think as Jake. And Jake wouldn't move so I didn't move. I turn to look down at her and slowly close the space between us while we're laughing and making small jokes to keep our cover in tacked. 

In the corner of my eye, I could see Hajeck get nervous, so I turned my face and we both got on the plane.

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