"On it, bro" Cabir, his manager cum bestie, hopped out of his vanity to check.

Manik sighed annoyed, as he tossed his phone aside and scanned the mediocre vanity he was assigned. He was a super star, he deserved the best, and this small production agency obviously couldn't afford him. He wasn't ever going to agree for this small budget OTT release anyway, had it not been for Cabir. Apparently the creative head of this agency was Cabir's some kinda relative who had called in for a favour. If an agency had Manik Malhotra on its portfolio, it was its sureshot ticket to top ten, that's what brand Manik did to people. That's why Cabir's relative requested him into roping in Manik to catapult their growth; apparently the agency was seeing a hard time. Of course, he could never say no to his dear old, Cabira.

"Uff Manik, stop sulking like a kid. There's only one scene left & then it's a wrap, won't take more than another two hours, and you will go back to your lavish life" chuckled Mukti, who was following his reactions from the corner of her eyes.

"You best hope, it doesn't take longer than that! There's a limit to my tolerance towards mediocrity" grumbled Manik.

Cabir walked back into the vanity in another ten minutes to inform them that the shot would be ready in another fifteen minutes, but as Manik glanced at him, he looked a little disturbed.

"All good, Cabira?" Manik asked.

"Huh..ahan..of course" he replied, stammering. Manik & Mukti exchanged a glance.

"You sure, Cabir?" Mukti confirmed, once more. Cabir looked up at her, and for a moment it looked like he wanted to convey a message to her, but he glanced at Manik and decided against it. He half nodded, assuring them all was good.

"Manik, actually I was wondering, would you like to reschedule this shoot?" Cabir asked hesitantly in another five minutes & this time Manik turned to look at him perplexed.

"Why would I like that?" he asked, surprised.

"No, I mean, I know all this arrangement is not up to the mark & you've only agreed because of me, but maybe I can push them for a better arrangement & give them another date? They just need two more hours max, I could schedule it in your calendar easily." he mumbled heavily, not meeting anyones' eyes.

"Why go through so much for another two hours, we can wrap today; but what's wrong Cabir? Is there a problem?" Manik was concerned now.

"Cabir, out with it, now!" Mukti stopped working on Manik's hair & walked in front of him, charging at him. They were friends from childhood, this secrecy had no place amidst them!

"Guys, I don't know if saying this is a good idea, but Manik, I think you should know this.." Cabir mumbled, looking down at his feet now.

"Know what, Cabir?" spat Manik impatiently, this time.

"..that Nandini is here. I just saw her" he finished, timidly, not knowing where to look. This was followed by a gasp from Mukti, but complete silence from Manik.

After what felt like a hundred years to Cabir & Mukti, Manik spoke. "So what? We will shoot & wrap. How does her presence change anything?" he snapped, before motioning for Mukti to continue with her work. Mukti recovered immediately & without pushing further, carried on with her work, but Cabir looked unsure.

"Manik, maybe we could check with your PR? I mean, these guys are shooting BTS all over the place, by chance one of the footage has her & it goes to the media, someone is bound to notice and blow it out of proportion. Let's not risk it?" He tried again, and Mukti nodded her head in agreement, but Manik was adamant.

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