Say the Word

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Eliana Pov: 

After I got myself together I noticed Rick just frozen in place. Daryl was checking up on him and Carl finally got himself together. "Let me see the baby." Hershel said to me making me slowly walked over to him. "What are we gonna feed it? We got anything a baby can eat?" Daryl asked. "The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon or she won't survive." Hershel said. 

"Nope. No way. Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run." Daryl said putting on his Crossbow. "I'll back you up." Maggie said. "I'll go, too." Glenn said. "Okay, think where we're going." Daryl said to the two.

"Eliana... can you take care of her? Kid just lost her mom. Her dad ain't doing so hot." Daryl said to me. "Yes I'll look out for her." I said to Daryl making him nod. "Are you all right though?" Daryl asked me as I was still shaken. "I might need some help so I'll asked Beth." I said to him but then saw Rick picking up an axe. "Rick!" I called as he went in the prison to find Lori but no one stopped him.

"Beth, if you can help. I'd appreciate it." I said to her. "Of course, let's first clean her up." Beth said as She, Carl, Hershel and I walked back into the cell-rooms.


As I was in my cell room I was washing the baby who was in a little pail. Soon I noticed her relaxed and sleeping in my arms which made my heart flutter. "Hey, need any help?" The voice of Beth was heard making me turn and saw her. "No thanks, I'm okay." I said giving her a weak smile as the memories was still fresh in my mind. "Hey, if you need any help, my daddy and I can help you out." Beth said hugging my side comforting me. "Thanks." I said which she soon walked out my cell leaving me with the baby.

"Hey... I know you won't understand me... at all...  just wanted to tell you how much your mom loves you, and everyone else here. I made a promise to your mom... I'll protect you and your brother no matter what. I'm sorry this is how you came to this world... I wish it could've been different... But I promise, your dad, brother, me, Glenn, Beth, Maggie, Hershel, and Daryl will do everything we can to give you an amazing life..." I said to the baby who was asleep in my arms making me smile before taking her out, to dry her out and let her sleep.


"When are they coming?" I asked as I rocked the baby trying to comfort it as I knew it was starving. "They'll be coming soon, I know it." Hershel said as we finished washing her. 

"Eli! Got formula." Maggie said making me get up and walked over to her. "Bet go make the formula." I said to her as she follows Maggie. "How's she doing?" Daryl asked me. "She's very hungry, has been crying for hours." I said to Daryl who then picked up the baby from my arms letting me rest for once.

Soon Beth walked over to me handing me the bottle making me walk over to Daryl feeding the baby her food. She soon stopped crying as she started drinking the milk. "She got a name yet?" Daryl asked me. "Not yet. But I was thinking maybe Sofia... But then there is Carol... Andrea... Amy... Jacqui... Patricia.. Or Lori. I don't know." Carl said naming all the deceased female's from our group.

"Let's first wait for you dad before we officially name her." I said to Carl then looked back at her and saw her as she basically drank half of the bottle already. "You like that? Huh? Little ass-kicker. Right? That's a good name, right?" Daryl said making all of us chuckle. 

"She is very hungry, might need to make a second bottle for her." I said to Maggie who chuckled as I continued to feed her bottle. 


It was late at night and I was at the front yard of the prison with the baby who didn't want to sleep yet, in front of the graves of Lori, T-dog and one grave for Carol which was empty as we couldn't find her. "There's your mom... There's Carol who would've loved you so much... And T-dog would would've protected you." I said to the baby holding her in my arms swaying side to side to get her to fall asleep. I suddenly heard the sounds of footsteps behind me making me slowly pull out one of my knives in one hand while the other held the baby tightly. I then made my move and turned around to stab whoever was behind me but saw Daryl who grabbed my arm stopping the knife from stabbing him.

"You gotta check before stabbing." Daryl said making me chuckle awkwardly. "Sorry..." I said putting away the knife and used both my hands again to hold the baby. "You're pretty good with kids." Daryl said to me. "I used to babysit kids and I also had like 4 baby cousins." I said smiling at the memories of them. Soon Daryl walked up to Carol's grave and placed down a  Cherokee Rose and sat there silently. "We will find her... okay?" I said softly to Daryl still with hope that Carol's body is probably somewhere in the prison. "I hope." He said to me before standing back up and stood next to me as we stand there silently looking at the graves.

Soon the baby started waking up and started crying making me start cradling her and bouncing her to sleep. I then slowly and quietly started humming a lullaby as I needed to be quick before she attracts the walkers. The baby soon slowly stopped crying and shut her eyes and snuggled up on her blanket I wrapped around her. "You're good at this." Daryl said to me making me chuckle. "I'm glad I am or we'd be dead." I said smiling at the baby as just by looking at her gave so many of us hope and love. "You'd be a good mom." Daryl said making me scoff. "Yeah, right. I'm nowhere close to being one and I haven't even met anyone." I said as I never really planned or thought of having kids at all, especially right now in a world like this.

" I said as I never really planned or thought of having kids at all, especially right now in a world like this

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 "I do think you'd be a good father." I said as I remember seeing him care for Judith earlier that day. I then turned to Daryl and saw him scoff at me but made a small smirk that followed. "We should head back inside, it's getting late." Daryl said to me making me nod. "Sure thing." I said as Daryl and I walked back to the prison to get some shut eye hoping for the next day to be better.

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