"...goodnight..." Steve muttered to himself.

As time passed, Steve noticed Charlie had another side to him. Not the angry "Talk to me and I will punch you" side. Or the more relaxed and caring side when he was with Nancy, Jonathan or the party.

There was a side to Charlie that was a lot more complicated. Sometimes he would withdraw from everything and everyone. He wouldn't answer the phone calls, show upto school or movie nights. Then one day he would be back like nothing happened. Steve never asked Charlie about it, too worried about his reaction.

About a week before the start of their final year, Charlie began to pull away from everyone again. Hopper tried everything to get him out of bed or just talk to him. But Charlie lied curled up on his bed with a blank drwan over him. At night he lied awake because of his night terrors that went from the beeping of a heart monitor to the growling of a monster. In the day time he slept or pretended to avoid talking to anyone.

This went on for five days. Nancy and Jonathan called back to back. Hopper answered the calls every time to say that Charlie refused to talk to anyone.

On day six Charlie got out of bed. He stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom. He could barely recognize himself. His cheeks were hollowed out. There were dark circles under his eyes and his skin was pale with a tinge of grey.

"Charlie, Sarah is sick."

"I'm sorry there isn't much we can do for her now."

Charlie shut his ears with his hands.

".... I want a divorce.... I can't keep living like this."

"Jim can take Charlie. I don't... I don't want him."

"Your mom doesn't want you and now I'm the one stuck with you!"

"Psycho Hopper."

"... The kid is crazy... "

"El is gone."

"Stop. Please. Stop it." Charlie muttered, tears running down his face. He frantically looked around and found a small piece of glass. In a quick motion he took it and brought it to his wrist. It dug into his skin drawing blood. The wound wasn't deep. He just wanted to distract the pain.

"Charlie... Hey you in there?" His Dad's voice came and Charlie tensed.

He cleared his throat and replied.

"There's someone here to see you. It's the Harrington kid."

Charlie frowned in confusion. Why was Steve out of all people checking on him? Maybe he needed something?

Charlie pulled his sleeves down. He washed his face and collected himself before going out. Steve was sitting on the couch in the living room. He looked visibly uncomfortable with Sheriff Hopper glaring down at him.

"Hey..." Charlie said, his own voice unrecognizable.

"Oh hey... I... " Steve stopped himself glancing at Hopper.

"I didn't know you guys were friends." Hopper said gruffly.

Charlie rolled his eyes and walked towards Steve. He grabbed Steve's forearm and said to his dad

"Really dad?" the glanced at Steve and said

"Come along, let's talk outside."

Steve willingly went along. At the door Charlie let go of his arm.

"What are you doing here Harrington?" he asked his voice devoid of any emotion.

"Well...I... Nancy is worried about you... She said you weren't answering her calls and you didn't show up to movie night." Steve began explaining.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Where stories live. Discover now