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robin practically skipped home. he could barley see 2 feet in front of him because of the rain, which was now pouring down on him. this whole day felt like a fever dream to robin, i mean he did just make out with his best friend in the rain, how dreamy is that? robin turned on to his street and began to walk more slowly, he wasn't very rushed to get home. the cold rain felt nice on his blushed cheeks and the temperature was abnormally cold and he loved it. all of a sudden he felt a wave of water wash over him, a car had stopped right next to him and knocked the water in the street onto the sidewalk and robin. he wiped his eyes that were filed with dirty street water and groaned. a man then stumbled out of the van apologizing profusely, "i'm so sorry young man! are you alright?" robin looked up at him "yeah." he spat out the water in his mouth. "im pretty sure i have a towel in my van." the man remarked as he opened the backseat door. robin peeked in as the man was rummaging around, robin spotted spray cans, black balloons, but not a towel. robin stepped closer to the man, "um it's fine i don't really need a towel, it's raining anyways." the man swiftly turned around grabbed robin by the neck, sprayed spray paint in his mouth and shoved him into the back of his van. robin tried to scream so many times, he tried to punch and kick but his body seemed to be paralyzed. he couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't get out. there was no escape from this impending doom. he felt himself get thrown into the van, his head colliding against something cold and hard, and the lights and the world, slowly dimming; until everything faded into black.

robin woke up to his head throbbing and in a cold sweat. his vision was blurry and he could taste the chemicals lingering inside his mouth. his mind immediately went to finney, is he safe? how is he going to find me? i miss him. robin began to look around he seemed to be in a large basement with the only source of light being a small window at the very top of the wall. he was sitting on a plain dirty mattress, and there was a black phone next to him but it wasn't connected to anything. he turned to face the front of the room when he jumped, the man that took him was standing there; watching him. how long has he been there? what is he going to do to me? robin thought now panicked. "what are you doing?" robin spat. "i just want to look at you." the man replied. robin felt a shiver run up his whole body. if robin could move he would attacked him, ripped off his stupid mask that was covering half his face. "why don't you show your face you Hijo de puta." he chuckled and walked toward robin. " i can't do that now can i?" "if you come near me i beat your ass mother fucker." robin feuded. "got another tough one huh?" the man taunted. another? robin thought shocked, there was more before him. more kids were taken by this man before him. it hit him that this was the grabber, the mysterious man taking kids from off the streets and then they were never seen again. it hit him that he wasn't going to get out. that he was going to be stuck down here forever; until he kills him.

finney was restless, he couldn't stop smiling or thinking about his last encounter with robin. he was just so happy to see him tomorrow. however he felt as if something was wrong but he didn't know what, so he just brushed the feeling off. hours droned on without any sleep, and that i
eerie feeling didn't leave him. he decided to call robin, even if it was almost 3 in the morning robin usually was up at all hours of the night so finney was really hopeful he'd answer. he quietly leaped out of bed and tiptoed down to the kitchen . he hurriedly grabbed the phone and dialed in robins number hoping that no one would hear him. robin didn't answer. finney called again, same result. finney hung up the phone somberly. did you really expect him to answer? he asked himself irked. it's almost 3am finney. he can't just always be there when you want him." finney sighed to himself and crept back upstairs and crawled into his bed hoping that this weird feeling would leave him and that he could sleep.
but it never did.

"CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!" robin yelled at the top of his lungs. "HELP ME PLEASE! "FINNEY HELP!" he shouted until his throat was sore and had no energy left in him. he collapsed on the mattress and closed his eyes, if someone was there they would've heard you by now. he said to himself defeated. he sat back up and glared at the door. what was stopping him from just braking down that door and walking out?" he made a move toward the door when it suddenly opened; it was the grabber. he came baring a plate of what looked like eggs and a soda. "i brought you breakfast." he said softly. robin bunched his knuckles into a fist, ready to pounce. "i see you gained back your movement." the grabber chuckled faintly as he grabbed a giant butchers knife from his pant pocket. robin was stunned he tried not to look it however. he wasn't stupid, he knew that if he attacked right now he would get killed in minutes. he reluctantly un tensed but never un clenched his knuckles. the grabber put the plate on the floor and stood back up, "i don't think we've properly met yet robin." robin shivered. how did he know his name? "how the fuck do you know my name." robin growled. the grabber threw a newspaper at him, he glanced at it and saw his picture at the front page; a missing poster. robin smiled hopefully, he knew finney loved the comics in the newspaper so he would certainly see his poster and come looking for him. "why don't you take off your mask." robin taunted. the grabber stared him down, he didn't answer. "what are you don't want me to see how ugly you are?" the grabber sighed and tuned back towards the door, "you know i was really starting to like you robin." the grabber left and locked the door behind him. robin was left alone with nothing but hope, a burnt omelet, and a watered down soda.

finney woke up to gwen shaking him awake. "finney! finney wake up!" "wha- what is it." finney asked disoriented. gwen held a paper up to his face, he waited till his vision was more clear and was finally able to make out the photo. it was a photo a robin, with a missing poster next to him. finney felt like he couldn't breathe. how could this happen? i should've walked him home to make sure he was safe. it's all my fault. " i had a dream about him last night and then woke up and saw this." gwen said sadly. "what happened in your dream?" finney asked while holding back tears. "it was robin walking down a road and a black van taking him away." gwen recalled. "it's all a bit blurry but that's all i remember." "can you dream again?" finney begged. "that's not how it works finney." " please try, for me?" finney motivated. "i'll try." gwen promised. "did you see him yesterday?" gwen questioned, "maybe we can figure out where the grabber took him." "you think the grabber took him?" finney asked frightened. " finney 4 other kids have gone missing in the past month. i'm pretty positive it's the grabber." gwen breathed. finney looked down at his bedsheets. " we have to try and find him."
gwen put her hand on his shoulder knowing how important robin was to him, "we will i promise."

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