Chapter 24: Temptation (Part 01)

Start from the beginning

"Kids," Angel coughed. "No, Erika and I, we aren't, we don't have kids at least I hope not. Because then, she'll die and it'll be my fault. So can we not talk about-," Amy gasped.

"Oh my god, you finally did it after four years. You finally slept with her, you dog," Amy punched Angel's chest. "You've been barking up that tree for four long years and she finally let you in the treehouse. So how was it? How did it feel to climb the tree house?"

"Can we not talk about the treehouse?" Angel argued. "Especially when her older brother is right there." He pointed at Ziek. "Besides, Erika's a werewolf, I'm a vampire, so to say our relationship is complicated is a bit of an understatement at this point."

"Wait, she's a werewolf, then," Amy gasped. "I've met her!" She added. "I caught her in a net with this other werewolf. I kind of messed with her a bit but I didn't know it was her. I swear," Ziek laughed.

"You trapped my sister in a net," Ziek arched his head back in laughter. "I love you." He kissed Amy's cheek. He pulled her to his chest and pressed his lips against hers. No, they can't be kissing, if Selene were to see that, she'll explode literally. The castle and everyone in it would be dead.

"Are you trying to kill us all?" Angel got in between the two of them. "Ziek, you're dating Selene remember? You can't cheat on Selene, you know what her ability is correct?" Ziek nodded. "Then you need to break up with Amy right now before Selene finds out about this. We will die, we will all die Ziek. Selene will kill us all with one explosion. I can't save us from that, we are fucked if she finds out about this."

"Selene already knows." Ziek answered.

"She what?" Angel almost yelled. "She hasn't blown up the castle yet, something's wrong. The Selene I know would be blowing the castle up over this. I'd be coming back to pile of rubble. So, something is definitely wrong here. Did you drug her?"

"No," Ziek laughed. "I broke up with her."

"You what?" Angel yelled. "Why is this castle still standing? She's going to blow this castle up very soon. Wait, Brandon must still be in the castle that's why the castle is still in one piece. This is good, we just got to keep Brandon in the castle and nobody dies. I can work with that and what do you mean you and Selene broke up? The fuck Ziek," He punched Ziek's upper arm. "I thought you loved her."

"Well, I did and part of me still does. But, I love Amy more." Ziek pulled her to his side. "Unlike Selene who put her work before me and Selene who chose to believe her best friend over me," He pointed at himself. "Her boyfriend when her best friend, you know her, Blaire who lied and said I tried to rape her. Which you know better than anyone, that I'd never do that."

"Blaire," Angel let out a sigh. "Why does it not surprise me that she's behind this. Of course, I take a day leave from the castle and she takes this opportunity to sabotage Selene. I'm sorry Ziek, I should have known better, Blaire just can not be trusted."

"Angel, look, I'm telling you," Ziek stared directly into Angel's eyes. "I would never try to sleep with any girl you're with. I wouldn't disrespect you like that ever. Even when I know you have no feelings for Blaire and wouldn't care if I did. The fact is," He shrugged. "She's still your wife regardless of how you feel about her. I wouldn't betray you like that."

"Wait a second," Amy got in between the two of them. "Did you," She pointed at Ziek. "Just say that Blaire is Izzy's wife?" She pointed at Angel. He shrugged. He did say that and it is true granted Angel wishes it wasn't. "You two timing mother fucker, how dare you cheat on Erika." She began punching Angel's chest. "She's been nothing but good to you and you're cheating on her. Not only that, you married the woman you're cheating on her with. You sick bastard. That's it, I see the problem here and I'm going to kick it." She arched her leg back to kick Angel in the balls.

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