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Neal is a Hephaestus kid in this and he and Leo got pretty close during the building of the Argo II.

Neal's reaction to CHB telling him about Leo's 'death' at the end of BOO

3rd POV

A quiet, paperwork-filled day at the white-collar office was interrupted by a shrill ringing coming from Neal's desk. Heads turned and eyebrows raised as Neal breathed in sharply when he read the caller ID.

The con man just stared at his phone for a good five seconds before Peter broke the silence from where he was standing beside Diana's desk.

"You gonna get that Neal?"

Neal seemed to re-animate. He quickly pressed a button on his phone and put it up to his ear.

"Did we win?" Of all the things for Neal to say, Peter did not expect that. Neither did anyone else, based on the not-so-discrete glances at Neal. They couldn't hear the other side of the call, but Neal seemed to go from relieved to tense to worried, and then resigned all in the span of a minute.

Neal had a sad look in his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair and asked, "Casualties?"

Thirty eyebrows shot up, and thirty heads turned to state at the conman, losing any discreteness (yes it's a word lol) they still had. It sounded a lot like Neal was talking about some gang war or something of the sort, and considering the 'we' that he threw in, it was looking like he was involved. What the hell?

And then, as if the office couldn't get more surprised, Neal shot up from his chair.

"What do you mean he blew up?" A pause "Oh sorry fiery explosion sounds much better, I'm not concerned at all. Who let him do that?"

Neal was getting more and more worked up, now pacing behind his desk, not seeming to realize that he was in a room full of FBI agents. Neal was silent for a bit, listening to whoever was on the other side of the call. He slowly calmed down, eventually sitting back down in his chair and burying his face in his palm.

"Ok. Ok, yeah fine. I'll see if I can help search for him. Yeah, alright. Let me know if you guys need anything for the rebuilds," Neal said resignedly, "Bye."

Neal hung up the phone, dropped it on his desk, and brought his other hand up to cover his face as well. Peter inched his way over to Neal, gesturing for everyone to get back to work. He placed a hand on Neal's shoulder.

"C'mon Neal," Peter said lowly, "Let's talk in my office."

Neal just nodded and allowed himself to be guided up the stairs and into a chair. Peter sat opposite him.

"Neal, obviously you just got some... bad news, but that phone call made it sound like you are involved in something that definitely goes against your contract. That being said, are you alright?"

Neal looked up at his friend. Peter as shocked to see the conman's eyes watery and red.

"Neal..." Neal shook his head.

"It's just a family problem, Peter. Leave it alone. I promise its nothing you would arrest me for."

"I'm going to need more information than that Neal. You were talking about casualties and someone blowing up."

Neal sighed and grabbed Peter's rubber band ball, turning it in his hand.

"I can't tell you everything. Mainly because I'm not really part of it all anymore. I helped out in the summer a bit, just with building something, but I haven't been there in a long time," Neal explained, "my dad's side of the family is huge. And pretty dysfunctional. A lot of us them disorders or tendencies that can get pretty destructive. There's a camp where a lot of them go. I went there when I was younger as well. It's to help us. But sometimes there are the kids that can't really be helped. A fight breaks out - a big one in this case - and people get hurt. My half-brother, Leo, was trying to stop one of the... misfits I guess... but blew himself up in the process. He's a bit of a pyromaniac. Anyway. They couldn't find his remains, so they think he may have survived. But they can't find him."

Peter blinked. That was a lot of information to process in 30 seconds. Not to mention a whole new truckload of information about Neal was just dumped on him.

"Wow. Ok. Have they called the authorities and dealt with the threat?"

Neal tilted his head to the side like he was trying to find the best answer, "She's been sedated. She won't be a problem."

That didn't sound illegal at all. Peter decided to leave it for the moment though. Neal still looked like he was in a bit of shock over the news. His half-brother just died. Or went missing.

"Ok, Neal, we'll talk about it on a different day. You planning on helping look for him?"

Neal nodded.

"And I'm assuming you could leave a conveniently placed sticky note on my desk and I can misinterpret it as a name of a criminal I should put my feelers out for?"

Neal grinned, "Thanks Peter," he said, then walked back out into the bullpen.

"Neal!" Peter called, as the conman made his way down the steps, "Give me back my rubber band ball!"

Neal turned and showed his hands to Peter. They were empty.

"What rubber band ball, Peter?"

I keep forgetting this exists, and then I read it, and then wanna wrote more lol. I just love this crossover for some reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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