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Four times Peter met a cousin of Neal Caffrey and was left utterly confused.

Neal is a demigod. Set in Season I-dunno-when, and after BOO. (Neal was somehow at CHB for the wars cuz I say so)


The first time Neal Caffrey confused Peter was in the conman's own apartment. They had been sitting at his kitchen table, brainstorming on how to catch their latest thief when there was a knock at the door. Neal's eyebrows furrowed, clearly not expecting anyone, especially since June was away for the weekend. Peter carefully held his gun as the CI walked over to the door and opened it.

Peter retracted his hand from his gun when a pale kid no older than 15 came storming into the room, dragging a blond-haired kid about the same age as him behind him. What was even more confusing than the two random kids, was Neal's reaction. He seemed completely at ease with the intruders, closing the door behind them slowly. 

Before Peter could get a word out of his mouth, the pale kid started talking.

"Will had the genius idea of going into the city for the day, didn't think to find us a way back to camp, and won't let me take us back my way, so now you're stuck with us. Got any food?" The kid asked, and Peter studied him further. Pale, olive skin with dark eyes to match the hair falling in his eyes. The kid - Will, Peter guessed based on the context - beside him was his polar opposite: he had a tan going, for one thing, freckles, very blond hair, blue eyes, and a smile - something of which the black-haired kid did not have.

Neal glanced quickly at Peter, who raised his eyebrows in a silent question. Neal shook his head slightly and answered levelly, "Nico, Will, this is Peter Burke. He's my handler." And suddenly, Peter's existence was noticed by the two kids. Will waved, and Nico just stared at him.

"Peter, this is Nico and Will. I think we should continue our brainstorming tomorrow." Neal said, giving Peter a look, to which Peter challenged with one of his own. How did Caffrey know these kids?

"Sure, is that when you'll explain... this?" Peter asked, gesturing to the two children rummaging around Neal's fridge.

Neal just waved a hand as Peter gathered his files.

"They're my cousins. Don't worry, I'll call their supervisors so they don't worry."


"They go to a summer camp on Long Island," Neal explained impatiently, opening the door and gesturing for him to leave.

"It's not summer, Caffrey," Peter said from his place near the table. Neal sent him a 'can we talk about this later' look. Peter frowned and walked over to the CI. "I expect a full explanation in the morning. And proof that the kids got back to their camp safely."

Neal actually looked offended.

"We'll talk tomorrow," Peter repeated, and Neal just smiled and closed the door. 

A couple of hours later, Peter sent Neal a text as he got into bed.

Peter Burke: I didn't know you had cousins.

Neal Caffrey: There's a lot you don't know about me.

Well, that wasn't suspicious at all.


The second time Peter was left utterly confused was when a literal eight-year-old child recognized Neal on the street. Peter, Neal, and Jones were walking to the coffee shop to grab some essentials (ie. coffee, coffee, and more coffee) before their stakeout when a young girl ran right into the CI, somehow knocking him right onto the pavement.

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