Knock Knock, get the door, its depression :')

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"That's all I need."

Kimis warm blood ran down nishikis chin. Her hand gently placed on his cheek.

He couldn't believe what had just happened. How could she have let him do that to her? He had tried his best to bite gently, not wanting to injury her more then he had to. But not at first. At first he was so hungry he had gone crazy with need. He bit her too hard. Only after realizing this was kimi, had he became gentle.

She began to shake, not out of fear, just from the pain. He lightly grabbed her hand that was on his face, and nuzzled into it. Her other hand tightened around his sweater. He was filled with regret.

She breathed slowly and shortly. Curling against him on the floor. It probably smelled horrible in here to her.

"Kimi?" She flinched awake at the sound of his voice. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault." She whispered.

He dared to look back at her wound. It needed bandages and some first aid sooner then later.

"It is my fault. I never should have done this to you. You don't deserve this." He shook his head lightly, tears beginning to well up.

"Nishiki." She lifted her head slowly. "I love you."

This took him by surprise. Like a carpet pulled out from underneath him. Should he say it back? He did, he really did love her.

She's a human. The voice in his head spat. Never in his life, after everything, did he ever think a human would say something like that to him. Especially after what he just did.

"I love you to." He wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her closer, kissing her forehead.

They sat there in silence for a moment longer. The only thing any of them could hear was their heart beats and their loose breathing. They were both lost in their thoughts. Yet wrapped around one another despite the power nishiki had.

He could kill her at any moment. He knew that. She had to know that. Yet despite this he never would. He couldn't ever bring himself to harm her to such an extent. Not her. She was wonderful. He never would have guessed that she would let him drink her blood and eat her flesh though.

Kimi shivered against him. He loosened his grip and look down at her. She was pale, paler then usual. Her breathing was shallow.

"Kimi? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She answered quietly. He knew she was lying, he could smell that she was in pain. The smell of fear wafting off her. He understood why.

"It's gonna take time to understand what I am."

She nodded slightly. "I know." She said so quietly he barely heard.

He scooped her up in his arms, bringing her over to the bed. Wrapping her in blankets.

"I'm gonna go get some bandages."

He left the room, heading to the small bathroom. He grabbed them and walked back.

He placed the bandages on the bed. Then lifted kimis back up, sitting down behind her. She curled up into a ball. Making her shoulder easy to access. He used an antiseptic wipe to clean it, which made her tense up. Then began wrapping the wound.

After he was done, he placed everything on the floor. Then went to the other side of the bed. They curled up together, snuggling.

"So, what's it like?" She whispered. She didn't have to explain any further, he understood what she meant.

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