TEN. the girl-vs-girl guerilla warfare

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chapter ten; the girl-vs-girl guerilla warfare

[ NIGHT CHANGES ]chapter ten; the girl-vs-girl guerilla warfare

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I- I just miss my family a lot.

"THOUGHT YOU COULD RUN AWAY, HM?" Wanda cocked a brow while crossing her arms. "What's with you?"

No response. Just a nervous gulp and a sheepish look on Catalina's face.

"I'm not a fan of this little 'shy girl' facade. 'Look at me, I'm so innocent with my doe eyes and my blankie!'" She mocked in a high-pitched voice. "Seriously, what are you trying to get here? What are you trying to do? What are you trying to win?"

"Nothing, I just-" She tried to ignore the lump in her throat. "I-"

"Oh, come on! It can't be hard to answer a question. You're not gonna leave until you give me some sort of response that doesn't involve tears."

"I'm not trying to be fake about anything. I'm not- there's no 'shy-girl' facade-" Catalina cleared her throat with a soft cough. "I just... I'm not a major fan of talking to people."

"That's your entire job description." Wanda scoffed. "Your entire life is- is balls and galas and grinning and all of that. You're social, I know it."

Catalina was nearing her wits' end, but she decided to keep it civil. "I'm allowed to be shy! And- and you don't talk much, either!"

"I talk, just not to you," The harsh words nearly made Catalina's eye start twitching. "Because I'm not a fan of snakes."

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. "I answered your questions. Can I go now? Please?"

Wanda eyed her up and down before shrugging, her tendrils releasing Catalina's wrists. "I'm onto you." She grumbled as Catalina stormed away, blinking back tears. She let out a sniffle as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. It didn't even register that she had brushed past Pietro in her "rampage" to her room.

(Catalina's definition of a rampage was completely different from other people's; she was much more calm and more collected.)

"Cat, what happened?" He called, the girl ignoring him as she slammed the door to her bedroom. He followed her, his speed allowing him to reach the door in one second. "Hey, what's going on?"

She plopped into the bed with a shaky sigh, the tears falling into her pillow while leaving small dark spots in the white fabric. "If you don't respond in the next five seconds, I'm gonna assume that you're dead and bust in!"

"Not dead," She croaked.

"Oh. Well, I'm still coming in anyway." Catalina could practically see Pietro's shrug as he entered. She looked at him, the boy making note of her red nose and puffy eyes. "What happened?"

NIGHT CHANGES ▹ P. MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now