SS: Zack's Life and a Secret?

Start from the beginning

Then I left my dorm and went to the elevator, I press the button and waited... While I was waiting for the elevator I saw a strange person but I didn't mind it... After a couple of seconds, The elevator finally opens.

Surprisingly, there's a person on the elevator, a teenage girl of average height with short blue hair that has single small hair strand sticking up and purple eyes.

Anddd it's Ibuki! She looks at me with a frown, she then clicked her tounge and looks away.

Wow, what a way to make it more awkward... I sigh and proceeded to get inside the elevator.

A handful of seconds pass, neither one of us is speaking very soon so I decided to take the lead..

" So.... What's your name? " F*ck, I messed up! She might think that I'm hitting on her!

She looks at me with an utterly disgusted face then clicked her tongue... again...

Why the hell would I ask her name right off the bat?! Damn it! I'm so frustrated right now. Ok, no time to panic, let's calm ourselves down. We can still save this conversation.

" ... Oh! I'm sorry! I didnt intend to make you uncomfortable. My name's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka by the way " Aight, that's much better.

She looks befuddled by my quick change of speaking tone, and also by my smile... Let's ignore that last statement from me... After 13 seconds or so, she finally have the moment to open her mouth, but before words comes out of her mouth, the door of the elevator opened.

" Oh! We're at the ground floor already, sorry miss, I gotta go. See ya around! "

I ran slightly fast towards the exit of the building. I swear, I caught a glimpse of Ibuki's final reaction and she's completely confused...

" Alright, time to go the Keyaki Mall... "

I was heading to the Keyaki Mall when I suddenly felt someone watching and following me... Let's see who's this stalker... I walk towards an alley, I walk through the long alley until I could see the end of the alley, I turned left quickly and hide my presence... I waited til this stalker bump into me...

Seconds pass and someone actually bump onto me... They fell on the ground and their cap fall, revealing their or rather her identity...

" ...Kikyo? What are you doing here? " I'm actually curious on why is she following me...

She scratch her cheeks while nervously laughing.

" Hehehe, Hello Kiyotaka-kun... "

" So why are you following me? " I asked her again.

" Can you atleast help me first...? "

" Oh uh, Yea sure. "

After helping her to stand up, she took a brief moment to dust herself and fix her shirt.

" ...So, why are you following me? " I asked for the THIRD time.

" Uhmmm, I just want to see what you're up to... ehehe "

" ... Ok? Is that why you're watching me while I was waiting for the elevator too? "

She looks totally bewildered by that statement... Well, I realized that the strange person from awhile ago was actually stalking me so I have to run and get away from the dorm building to confirm it... And Once I confirm it, I lure her towards this alleyway to check her identity... I just didn't expect it to be Kikyo since I know the atmosphere between us will get awkward because of the event that happen last night...

" So? Why are you following me...? "

" ... It's a long story so we better get out of here and find a place to talk... " She said it with her deep and raspy voice... Damn that's hot...

" Alright, let's go to the Pallet then. Sounds good? " I asked

" Okay! " And... she change her tone of speaking again...

We walked together towards the Pallet Cafe and once we reached it, we ordered some coffee and a slice of cake... We talked about some non important details... I asked her if she's close with Nagumo but she said she's not... I asked her if she could befriend him and she agreed almost instantly...

After that tiring talk, I walk her to the dorm building because... Uhh... I'm a boy...? There's actually no reason for me to walk her through the dorms... Anddd I actually forgot to go to the Electronic Shop... Man, F*ck my life...

" Welp... here we are. "

" Yeah, here we are... great... " I said it with a frown and a monotonous voice.

She laughs and spoke...

" What's with the frown on your face? Its been fun today you know! " She said energetically

" Im kidding! Ofcourse its fun hanging out with you today! " Its a lie...

" That's good! Well, I better get to my dorm room now! Bye Kiyotaka-kun! Let's do this again sometimes! " She waved and then left...

-Sigh- I just wanna set my plan on motion! Being Ayano is hard...

"Life teaches you new lesson everyday,if you are attentive enough in the class of life" is a quote I always hear from elder peoples... Last Night, I actually understands what it means I also remember that qoute that goes "Always be yourself. At the end of the day, that's all you've really got; when you strip everything down, that's all you've got, so always be yourself", I can relate that two quote from Kikyo's situation... A two face that is afraid to show her other self to other because she think that everyone would not accept her for who she is... but that's wrong... All her life she wants attention so she created this Happy go lucky and cheerful alter ego so everyone would like her... but soon the disadvantages appeared and cause her to stress out... If she was only true to herself, she probably won't suffer from stress... Cause remember, even if you're getting liked by everyone, you wouldn't get true happiness because you're not true to them, they only liked you because of your fake personality... There's no feeling of accomplishment in that... I, myself can relate to that... Cause I know my true self... If I show it to others, NO ONE will actually like me...

I guess you can call me "The wolf in sheep's clothing"...


An: Damnnnn finally got the spare time to write this series again! School is rough! All those Homework and Projects they gave us is a pain! Welp hope you enjoy this short story! See ya!


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