Some stick up their hand

Stiles starts to feel anxious and his eyes flicker cyan as he looks to the side

Maybe leaving Derek with Lydia because he needs to be in class at least once to pass his year

I mean last year he only went to school to catch the Darch now he has to commit... Sadly

You know being freaky smart and well cheating

'But let's be honest with his power who wouldn't use it?'

"Shit Scott, Derek woke up scratched Deaton, ran to his now currently destroyed house on the preserve and... He just got taken to the police station, we gotta go"

He whispered

Scott next to him nodded and reached for his phone

Stiles looked up and stood up quietly

He shows Scott to keep quiet while they slowly exit

They look at Kira and she nods understanding

She raises her hand to ask if she can go to the bathroom as she opens the door

Stiles and Scott sneak out past her




"Scott you told me your were camping" said the Sheriff

Scott gave him the infamous McCall puppy dog eyes

The Sheriff sighs and rubs his temples

"What are we going to do with him?" he asked looking at his sons

"I'll take him to my house and keep him there until you guys figure out how to change him back" said Stiles looking a little too happy for this particular situation

"OK but we have to get him to trust us" said Scott

"Just do your whole alpha red eyes thingy" said Stiles already getting Derek

"Who are you people and we are my family?" Younger Derek asked immediately

Scott stays quiet

"I know where your mother is I can take you to her but you have to trust me

/Stiles talked slowly /

Right guys?"

This made Derek turn around and look at Scott who flashed his red eyes

In return Stiles's eyes flashed cyan and the others got the plan

"Your an Alpha" said Derek

"Yes now do you think you can control yourself?" asked Scott

"Yes I'll be fine so long as it isn't a full moon" Derek mumbled

"You still struggle with a full moo-"

Stiles cuts of Scott

"Welp enough chit chat, you Derek need to see your mother"

With that Derek is dragged away by his hand

The ride there was quiet and when they finally reach the house

"Home sweet home" said Stiles climbing out of the car

He opens the door and he activated his eyes

Immediately Talia appeared

She smiled as Derek looked at her happily

"Mom, where have you been? And why is the house torn down? And who the hell are these people? And-"

"Easy there Derek
/she smiles /
Look you are currently in the future and some pretty awful things have happened but I need you to trust Stiles, he will help"

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