She heard another buzz and continued looking around, moving papers and opening the center console & glove box.

"What the fuck." She muttered, throwing the papers onto the floor.

Then, in a flash she lost control of her car. The glass broke and the glass from the window in the store she crashed into pierced her skin. The seatbelt stopped her from flying through the window but still she flew forward and her head slammed into her steering wheel.

The horn continues to blare as the weight of her head rests on it.

Blood dripped down her face, breaking its stride as it fell around the tiny shards of glass embedded in her cheekbones.

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"Oh fuck!" Grizz yelled, almost slipping on the ice as he and Luke ran to Coraline's car, Allie watching close behind them.

"Hurry up and get her out!" Allie yelled with Will besides her.

Luke quickly lifted her out and almost slipped as he sat her in the backseat of his own car. "Get in! We have to go." Luke ordered, starting the car as the other 3 rushed in. "Someone text Kelly and tell her what's going." Grizz said, holding onto Cory's limp arm.

As they pull in front of the clinic, Cory slowly woke up and gripped Grizz's hand.

"Oh it hurts." She cried, her other hand scratching at her scalp. Allie quickly rubbed her arms, "Hey you're okay. You're okay." She assured the girl, looking up at Will.

"No. Just let me die. Please, so I can be at home." She whimpered, pushing their hands away from her. "It feels like a drill is entering my brain." She groaned as they came to stop. Allie and Will got out and Grizz pulled her out as well, carrying her in.

Gordie and Kelly ran over and lead her to the bed. He set her down slowly.

As her head hit the pillow, she looked around the bright lights making her strain her eyes.

Elle was laying in the bed sipping pedialyte out of a plastic cup. Elle moved to West Ham when she was 4 years old, cursing her from the day she walked the streets.

Tiffany Scott, head cheerleader at West Ham High who had a tube down her throat and who's heart was beating steadily.

Travis Barnham, co-captain of the basketball team at West Ham High, he had been one of the unlucky ones. There was no way he was ever going to play basketball again after this, if he survived. He had gone blind.

Robby Johnson, head of the debate team at West Ham High, behind Cassandra though. He was doing okay for now, just sipping pedialyte.

David Zander, he wasn't very social, didn't participate in any school activities. He was dying, he was on a ventilator.

"Bean?" She asked Kelly as she assessed the girl's injuries. Kelly shook her head, looking to the ground. Coraline choked back a sob as she finally let her eyes move where they wanted to the most.

And her eyes finally landed on a terrifying sight, heart wrenching. Harry Bingham was a sad boy, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He participated in the school play, he ran for class president. He wasn't much of a sports guy though.

Harry Bingham had a seizure earlier that morning, and the night before. He was still on a ventilator and Kelly had to hope for the best as she dealt with him alone, nobody else wanting to be the reason Harry Bingham died.

Kelly began to bandage Cory's head while Gordie checked her pupils and did a reflex test.

"Okay, it looks like you're okay. Just a minor concussion and, and a few cuts from the glass." Gordie told her, rubbing her arm. She nodded slowly, exhaling as she stretched.

The two left her alone, busying themselves with the other diseased.

Cory stared straight ahead, wanting to yell about the latter her dad had sent through Oscar. But instead, she closed her eyes.

She imagined being back home with her mom and dad, even being back in North Carolina with her nana and papa. Anywhere but here.

She heard a gagging sound and looked over to Harry who was finally waking up, his body thrashing around as his throat convulsed around the tube.

Kelly ran over to him, Cory wanted to run too. But she couldn't so she watched as Kelly removed the tube and checked his pupils

"Harry? Harry can you speak for me?" Kelly urged him, as he turned away from the light.

Cory heard him mumble but couldn't hear exactly what he said.

She heard mumbling once again, "Harry please speak up for me, come on."

"Cory.. baby, where are you?" He croaked out.

Angel of Death Where stories live. Discover now