Enter Izuku

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A/N: Welcome to Glamrocked's rewrite. Please enjoy.

Izuku watched as a young girl with a red-pink shirt, with a blue skirt and pink bow, along with red hair and green eyes approaching a clown like robot with strawberry ice cream in its hand.

???: For me. Thank you Baby

The girl went closer to the robot supposedly named Baby who's chest opened up and a claw came out and scooped the girl up. You could hear a shriek as blood stained the floor. Izuku backed away with a shocked face


Izuku: What the heck

As Izuku stumbled back he bumped into a boy older than him with a fox mask wearing a grey tank top and blue shorts standing with his friends

Izuku: Sorry 

???: Come on Evan, give Fredbear a nice big kiss

Izuku turned his head and saw a young boy wearing a dark blue shirt with two light blue stripes on it. The boy also had brown hair and blue eyes which were blasting out tears like a canon inside Fredbear's mouth


???: Evan stop crying, you won't get hurt

"CLAMP!". Everyone watched as the young boy who seemed to be named Evan had his head chomped by Fredbear. 


Izuku grew stunned and paralyzed and as he looked back he witnessed an adult man wearing a dark purple button up shirt, a black tie, a purple security hat, jeans, and a badge shoving the older boy from earlier

???: Michael you idiot, your brother is in the hospital now

???: Dad don't hurt me please, I am so sorry

???: SORRY. That bullshit word won't save Evan. After your sister died and your mother took Vanessa, Miko, and Eri, all I have is Evan, you, and Gregory

Izuku closed his eyes again and was scared from what happened. When he opened his eyes up he was sitting in a table in some sort of pizza place with a girl with brown hair, green eyes, a dark green jacket, a purple shirt, and jeans. The girl looked the same age as him

???: Hey you okay. Look I know its hard after we lost Cassidy, Elizabeth, and Evan. I am still hurting too but we have to stay strong

A fire started spreading all over the building and Izuku and the girl were trapped. The building collapsed and Izuku screamed.


Izuku woke up, panting and trying to breathe. His sister Izumi woke up and checked on him

Izumi: Izuku are you okay

Izuku: Why do you ask

Izumi: Well you kept saying stuff like 'Charlie run' and 'Evan no'

Izuku: Really. Well that's a bit weird but don't worry I am fine

Izumi: Well then hurry up we have to go to the doctor to see our quirks

The boy with brown hair with a purple streak in it and purple eyes, Izuku Yagi. He is currently 8 years old but doesn't really remember his life six years ago.

Inko: Alright kids hurry up so we can go to the doctors


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