"Great, 'cause here the only accepted crime is selling drugs. We tried to stop, but we couldn't. Isn't that what they say? If you can't fight them, join them?" Miss Klein said, and Leah could see she was not making a joke.

"Excuse me? Did you just say? Am I at the right office?"

"Not anymore, you're not. I have greater things to do like finish a novel. Scoot, scoot." she was dismissed with a gesture.

This morning was already weird as hell, and she only has met the principal.

When she was leaving the office, a blonde, white girl with a smile that didn't reach her eyes entered it.

"Shelby Goodkind, your visits are becoming more often than I would like." She could hear through the closed door.

"Principal Klein, although it isn't the best circumstances, it's always a pleasure to see ya. And to make this easier, I can assure ya it wasn't my fault."

Leah stopped hearing the conversation when a black girl with her hair up approached her.

"Hey! I'm Rachel. They asked me to shoe you around." The taller girl looked at her with a weird expression like she said the weirdest thing ever. "What, dude? Is there something in my face?" asked Rachel, clearly impatient.

"Ah, no! I was just not expecting someone like you."

"What? Black?" Rachel inquired, annoyance all over her face.

"No, no! I meant someone who looks like an athlete and not a nerd." Leah quickly explained.

"Oh, yeah, that. Let's just say the principal sometimes makes us do this type of things instant of detentions." The first smile since the beginning of the conversations appeared on Rachel's face.

"Then I'm really sorry for being your punishment." Rilke also smiled and they started walking through the halls. "I'm Leah, by the way."

"I know. Look, like you said I am not the welcome-to-this-hellhole-let-me-show-you-around kind of person, so I asked my sister to come with us. She can tell you all the weird facts about the school no one cares about. Is that ok?" Rachel pointed out a girl with a grey hoodie in front of a locker and Leah nodded. "Hey, Nor. This is Leah, the girl I told you about."

The girl looked at them and give them a polite smile.

"Hi, I'm Nora Reid, Rach's twin. It's a pleasure to meet you, Leah."

"Hey, Nora. You too."

"Do you want to start by finding your locker?" Rachel wanted to know.

"That would be nice. My back is dying with all these books in my bag." The blue eyed complained.

The three teenagers kept going through the corridors, that were fuller than when Leah arrived. After leaving her books in her locker, they decided to walk around the school.

"Ok, let's start with the basics. Those" Rachel indicated a group of loud kids, almost all of them wearing a letterman jacket "are the mostly white and rich popular people."

"Number one rule: do not talk to them unless they talk to you." Nora advised. She was not even looking to the group of clearly annoying and cockish teens.

"That's your rule or theirs?" Leah asked.

"I think sometimes even the teachers follow that rule, so just take our advice and stay away from them." Rachel agreed with her sister.

The Reid sister kept showing her around. There were some many groups and so many styles Leah doubted someone wouldn't fit in one. There were the theater kids, the band kids, the goths, the coffee kids – too edgy for her taste. There were even cowboys and she thought she was best away from those too.

"And those bitches are the diving team." Rachel whispered when they were near a table in the yard.

"Hey, guys!" Nora greeted with a fake smile, while Rachel just kept walking. The diving girls just waved with no enthusiasm.

"Last year, I was their captain." Rachel mumbled between her teeth.

"What happened?"

The annoyed Reid pulled her forearm out her jacket pocket, place where it was hidden since they met, and showed her. She didn't have her right hand.

"Oh..." Leah couldn't help but gasp.

"Oh, please, don't give me any pity look, dude. I may not have a hand, but I still can punch you in the face with the other." Rachel pushed her lightly.

"She's not kidding, she'll totally do it." The other Reid assured her.

"Yeah, I surely don't doubt it."

"Let's keep going. That's where..."

Leah didn't hear anything Rachel was saying because all her attention was caught by a stunning girl. Her brown skin, her smile, her big earrings, the way she was holding her phone. Leah was lost in everything. For a moment, she thought about the path she was getting into, but she couldn't help having her breath taken by that gorgeous girl.

"What group is she in?"

"The «don't even think about it» group." Rachel deadpanned.

"That's Fatin Jadmani. She's like the most popular person at school. Like the Queen Bee." Nora explained while Leah kept staring at Fatin.

"I burn, I pine, I perish." Leah murmured without even notice.

"Of course, you do, Shakespeare." Rachel didn't look impressed by Leah's dumb remark. "Almost everyone wants her or want to be her but forget. Both are impossible."


"She's a cello prodigy and her mom is really rigid and strict about everything that may distract her." Nora explained again.

"She still finds ways to have a more interesting social life than half of this school, but obviously she doesn't waste her precious time with people like you. No offense, dude." Rachel patted her shoulder.

"Yeah. Whatever," Leah couldn't care less. She was to busy staring at Fatin Jadmani until she lost sight of her when she entered the building.

Note: I hope you enjoyed!!
Let me know your thoughts!
Bye and be happy!!!

10 Things I Hate About You - The Wilds versionWhere stories live. Discover now