SH: yandere reader x hyunsoo

Start from the beginning

“y/n?” his tone was careful, but undoubtedly scared “what did you do?!”

when you walked closer you tried to explain yourself, but he backed away

“hyunsoo…” he flinched when you got even closer “don’t do that…she deserved it…”

“she was a human being…no one deserves something like that!”

“she hurt you! anyone who hurts you should be dead, and what she did to you? i should’ve made it hurt more” hyunsoo kept backing away, until he finally got the courage to run

you sighed and ran after him, you didn’t want to hurt him, but one time wouldn’t be so bad…

you grabbed a small piece of wood laying on the ground, and when you caught up with him, you hit him, hard enough to make him pass out

you tied him up and put him in your car, driving home and putting him in your room, but you weren’t done for the day

you tracked down dohun’s house, he was asleep when you entered the room, you took a knife larger than your previous, and slammed it directly into his heart, you would’ve preferred something that hurt more, but this had to do

then you drove to hyunsoo’s house, you only needed his mother and sister, his dad was already taken care of, poor thing got ran over by a truck driver on his way to work, you were already planning to do this, but it was just a bit early

once you were finished with them you headed home, just in time for hyunsoo to wake up

he winced at the pain in his head, when he looked up, remembering what happened as he locked eyes with you

he realized he was tied up and started struggling

“i’m sorry about the restraints, are they hurting you? i can take them off only if you don’t try to run away again” you sat down next to him, he was breathing heavily, struggling to free himself from the tight grip of the ropes

it took him a few minutes to stop, he was exhausted and started to cry, you wrapped your arms around him to try and comfort him, for a moment he seemed to forget the situation, and what you had done

he leaned in to kiss you, seeking comfort that only you could give, but he pulled away, leaning away from you

“someone will look for me…they’ll find me…” you sighed and moved away

“anyone who could rescue you is already dead, give up, your parents, your sister, even dohun is dead, no one will look for you, cause no one else cares about you the way i do, they’ll never give you the love that i do”

hyunsoo felt his heart drop when you mentioned his family, it was true that they didn’t care for him anymore, overhearing his sister tell her friends how much of a freak he was, and “no, i don’t have a brother!” even his parents not giving him as much attention

the only one who did seem to care…was you

but you hurt people, you killed his family, and you killed that girl, you didn’t even break a sweat

how could he love someone like that?

“you’re right” he lied “i’m sorry i said that, i…love you” he couldn’t do anything about the situation, so he could only pretend everything was alright, and that he truly loved you

but you weren’t stupid, you knew everything about hyunsoo, right down to his lies, does he seriously think he can get away with this? you won’t hurt him, you’ll only teach him a lesson

there is a part of him that still loves you, and you’ll just have to bring it out

you left alone in a separate room for days, only bringing him food and drinks, and sometimes letting him have a shower, he tried to be cute to you, but you knew he was only toying with you

you would tape his mouth shut and lock the door while bringing another boy over, you felt sick as you flirted with them, they didn’t deserve your attention, but hyunsoo was a brat, and needed to get himself together

and it was working, hyunsoo could hear every flirty remark you made towards them, and it made his heart ache, he thought he shouldn’t love someone like you, but you were his only happiness for months, how could he let someone like that go so easily?

he tried to pretend it didn’t hurt, like it didn’t feel like his heart was torn to pieces everytime you wouldn’t even look at him

and when you went inside weeks later to bring him water he broke, tears in his eyes as you didn’t even speak this time, he looked at you and begged, for the first time, to look at him, to give him attention, to love him again

he loves you, and now you’re the only one he has left, he’ll do anything for your attention, you would be lying if you said you weren’t feeling heartbroken too, you wrapped your arms around, vowing to never make him lonely again, never to let him feel that way when you’re around

because he made you whole, he made you feel things you never thought you could, so you will latch onto him forever, if it meant feeling like that for your entire life

hyunsoo was yours, and you were his

taking a break for tomorrow! i have way too much missing assignments i need to get finished

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