Chapter two: the game begins

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A small stuffed black and white bear appeared on the stage.

"Welcome to hopes peak Mansion"

"Eww what is that" a tall thin girl with 2 bows in her long brown hair and bright red eyes yelled from the back of the room.

"I am your principal monokuma" the bear answered

"B-but you're a teddy bear" a short boy with bright green hair, pink eyes and a bandage on his face sanding close to the stage said.

"I am not a teddy" the thing said

(Then he explains the rules but I'm not writing that bc it's too long lmfao)
"Oh and I almost forgot to mention...if the first kill does not happen within 24 hours all of you will be executed"

"What the f-ck" the red eyed girl exclaimed

"Now please go ahead and make yourself at home"

I exited the room confused. This had to be some kind of strange joke or something. The other students left as well. As I made it too my room I had a bad feeling. Suddenly heard a noise coming from behind me. I quickly turned around to see the small girl that has been bullied by the blue haired one. She was crying.

The girl had dirty blonde hair in a strange type of braided bun with 2 large black brown and large orange eyes. She wore a long pink dress with black detailing and a black bow.

"Are you alright?" I questioned trying to see how I could comfort her.

She looked off and sniffed a bit before answering.
"I'm scared."

"Of what?"
I asked trying to sound as soothing as possible.
"What if someone kills me?"

"I'm sure they won't...what's your name?"

"Ch-chika matsuda."
She struggled to answer.
"I'm the ultimate ballerina."

"Don't worry chika...I'll protect you."
I usually hate making empty claims but all her emotions where making my head hurt and I had to calm her down.
"I should probably go talk to other students. If you're scared you can come with me."

She nodded her head and followed behind

I checked the small map monokuma had given us all and decided to head to the cafeteria.

As soon as we got the there the blue haired girl the red eyes girl and a tall girl I hadn't noticed before walked over to us.

"Well if it isn't the cry baby"
The blue haired girl pointed at chika and laughed

Chika blurted out before Covering her mouth and crying again.

"Calm down girls"
I added attempting to fix the situation

"I'm a boy you pervert"
The blue haired one snapped.

I questioned.

"I'm Kei Miyata the ultimate trap"
He smiled.
"And these are my friends."
He pointed at the red eyed girl.
"Evangeline Midori the ultimate robot pilot."
She said confidently.
(She's a parody of Asuka from nge)
"I am Miko Oshiro."
The other added.
She had long dark brown hair, yellow eyes, and was dressed in some sort of religious uniform.

Soon they all walked away looking bored of the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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