Inazuman Comrades

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Childe created group chat [New Group Chat]
Childe added Aether, Ayaka, Itto, Kokomi, Lumine and Others to the group chat [New Group Chat]
Childe changed the group chat name to [Inazuman Comrades]

Kazuha: I am having a lot of mixed feelings abt the fact that i was just added into a groupchat by my kidnapper

Yoimiya: I just know that there is a very interesting story behind that and I wanna know it

Aether: Basically childe went and kidnapped Kazuha to provoke beidou and ningguang and have a duel with beidou

Kokomi: Ohmygod

Kujo Sara: What an absolute madman what happened next

Aether: it ended in a draw and both of them pretty beat up

Aether: they wanted to continue but luckily zhongli and ningguang stopped them and agreed to just release kazuha and lumine and Xiao and now beidou and childe are regular fighting buddies cause apparently their near death fight was very 'fun"

Kokomi: Fun-

Kujo Sara: I am not even gonna comment

Gorou: Wait what's the deal with lumine and Xiao

Childe: Aether how could u forget to mention the fact that the reason the whole thing happened was because i was being a good frnd and trying to get ur sister and boyfriend back from ningguang's evil clutches after she kidnapped them


Lumine: Yet*

Aether: I should have left u with ningguang

Lumine: Xiao respects me too much to let that happen


Aether: Fuck

Gorou: The Liyuens sound wild

Kazuha: My moms are from liyue watch ur mouth

Gorou: weren't u literally complaining like yesterday that two powerful liyuen lesbians have suddenly adopted u and arent letting u go and how u wished u hadn't chosen this place

Kazuha: that was before I got kidnapped and got rescued by them and realised the importance of family

Lumine: Love the character arc where Kazuha went from "These foreign lesbians wont leave me alone" to "Talk shit about my moms and I will kill you"

Lumine: Also

Lumine: I am disappointed in u childe

Childe: ?????????

Lumine: I thought I taught u better when it came to naming group chats

Childe: But Comrade :(

Kokomi: personally I like it

Thoma: Me too!!

Lumine: Yall can't be serious

Lumine: I am changing the name

Childe: Lumine truth or dare

Lumine: Dare

Aether: I-I do not want to be a part of this

Childe: coward

Childe: N e way

Childe: Lumine what's yo type

Lumine: Short, cute, has hair like starlight, high ponytail, very sweet and gentle, may or may not have an older brother who is in love with their housekeeper who also happens to be her best friend

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