Destination honeymoon

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A/n: it's 3am I'm tired guys.

We finally arrived in Paris after our 9 hour flight. Nick slept the whole way and I had to shake him awake when the plane landed, it was pretty cute. We were the first ones off the plane and went straight to baggage. After a (long) wait for our bags we finally hailed a taxi and got on our way to the hotel.

"Nick, just let me carry some of your stuff!" I said to him. "Charlie, I'll be fine." He said back, struggling to carry all our stuff. I quickly snached a bag that was about to fall of his arms. I laughed and gave him a small kiss, he was blushing so much it's adorable. I went to check us in and sent Nick up to our room.

"*Oui monsieur, numéro 115? D'accord, merci beaucoup" said Nick is such a charming French accent. I've known he spoke French since our first trip to Paris but somehow it shokes me every time. He went up to our room while I stayed back to call Tao.
[on phone]
C: bonjour from Paris!!
T: you guys made it!
C: haha is elle yelling at me?
T: yeah she's outside planting some veggies. So how's France?
C: we've only been here like two hours. But I booked us the exact same room from our very first trip here. When I really fell in love with him.
T: that's so sweet I hope it's perfect, I've got to go elles yelling at me again.
C: tell her I say hi and Nick too.
It was so nice to here Tao and elle, we haven't seen them since the wedding. I grabbed my bag and went up to room 115, to see my husband

I walked up the stairs with an eerie sense of deja vu. It's almost as if I've walked here before? I pushed away those feelings and focused on getting our bags to our room. After two flights of stairs I got to the room and opened the door. Almost as if it was in slow motion I dropped my bag to the floor with realization. Charlie booked up the same room as our first trip to Paris. Our first sleepover. The moments I fell in love with my husband. It was so sweet I wanted to cry.

*"yes sir, number 115? Thanks you very much"

Short chapter Ik guys.
I'm currently in bed vomiting YEAH FUNNNN
Don't get sick it's the worst

The author

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