Tori the badass

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A/n: just got back from camping, and I decided we need more Tori CUZ TORI IS AMAZING. I'm going to time skip back to when nick and Charlie first start dating. This is Tori's reaction to it all.

Charlie called me down to the living room and said he had something important to tell me. Last time he did this he accidentally deleted the WiFi password, so honestly I'm not expecting much right now. I grabbed my half finished diet lemonade from my desk and went downstairs.

I found Oli playing with his toys in the foyer. Those toys annoy me so much I don't understand why mom bought them for him, we keep stepping on them. Anyways I walk to the living room and see Charlie isn't alone. "Hey tori" Nick says. He's sitting right next to Charlie. A little bit closer than people who were "just friends" would sit. "So, Tori as you know..." Charlie starts to say. "Charlie, if this is a repeat of you coming out to me I will leave. I have more important stuff to do right now." I snapped back at him. "Tori, just listen ok? Nick and I obviously are very close and he means a lot to me" Charlie says hesitating slightly. It all starts to click on my head. The late nights Nick stays over, the noises coming from his room. "Yeah and Charlie is everything to me, and I've kinda discovered I'm bi" Nick says smiling at my brother. I didn't react. Not because I'm homophobic or mean, I just don't react. "Cool" I said and stood up. "Is that seriously ALL you have to say ?" Charlie asks. He sounds upset. "Well obviously I'm very happy for you two, but it's not a suprise to me. I basically already knew." I said walking out of the room. This was barely more exciting then the WiFi fiasco. It's not like I never thought they were dating. Nick is all char talks about. It's so cute it's sickening.

-later that evening-
Nick is about to leave when I run down the stairs to say a word to him. I end up spilling my lemonade. "SHIT" I whisper yelled which got nicks attention. "Tori? You need help?" He asked. I gave him a death glare. "Nick Nelson, I love Charlie very much and I'm happy he's happy but If you do so much as hurt him in the slightest bit I can assure you, your title as Mr. Popular will be gone." I said through grimaced teeth. Nick just looked VERY confused. He backed out of the door slowly as I continue to glare at him. Finally he shut the door, and I went to get myself another drink.

I don't this Tori fancies me much ......

what would we do without Tori LMAOOO

Q: what's ur fav heartstopper person
AA: either Tori or nick. I want my nick Nelson ugh

The author :)

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