Everyone Has A Breaking Point

Start from the beginning

After all, them confronting Throttle with his actions was exactly the kind of distraction she needed to make a run for it.
But no...
All she could do was just stand there, entirely frozen.
Whoever said that alien encounters were exciting couldn't have been more wrong.
It was more like dying over and over again while shitting your pants.
It was disgraceful, honestly.
Or maybe that was just her experience.

Unfortunately, unlike her, Throttle was neither impressed by his two bro's standing up to him nor by meeting her, which was also an alien encounter, or wasn't it?
Technically, it was.
Why was her brain constantly taking sideways like this?
Shit, how hard could it be to just focus on the aliens, huh?
They were standing right in front of her, goddammit.
One job...

"Come on, guys, think! Why is that detective alone? Why is he here, all of a sudden, while we managed to keep him at a distance for over more than a year already?", Throttle asked his two beloved bro's, making Charley's heart skip a beat or two.
This was most accurate, actually.
Above all, they were good questions.
But then again, he was a leader.
He knew what he was doing.
Or maybe she just didn't like him because she didn't handle authority very well.
One less charming character trade, but hey, nobody's perfect, although her beloved hero, or maybe she should say his ego, obviously wouldn't agree.

Charley tried to clear her throat, all to stop him before this conversation could continue because it wasn't really turning in the right direction.
Or at least not in her favor.
She could understand where he was coming from, heck, she would've been just as suspicious as he was right now, if she was standing in his shoes.
But the problem was — he couldn't be more wrong.
Unfortunately, clearing her throat apparently required cooperating muscles, which she hadn't, at the moment.

And so, all she could do was listen when the tan-furred mouse continued, obviously focusing his attention on Vinnie now, although she wasn't really able to see what exactly he was doing.
"Lemme give you one clue. It all started when you met her, Vinnie. Now please, use your brains here, just for this one time, man. It's so painfully obvious, it almost burns my eyes out."
"They're already...", Vinnie started, but Modo elbowed him and the white-furred mouse cleared his throat before he continued.
"Well, since it's so super obvious to you, why don't you enlighten us, huh, genius? Ya know, for those who are a bit slower on the uptake here..."
Shit, he was really pissed.
As in — really pissed.

Despite that it somehow scared the shit out of her, Charley noticed that she was slowly starting to climb back out of the hole that was called sheer terror, mainly because she was beyond curious about Throttle's theory.
It really was a lethal streak.
"She's O'Neill's partner. And you, Vinnie my man, walked right into her trap."
Wait, what?
Her personal alien hero seemed to be on the same level as her.
"What? That's ridiculous, man", he spat out, shaking his head in disbelief.
The way his ears were happily flapping along was cute, to say the least, but again, now wasn't really the time for having thoughts like this.

"Is it? Or is it just a brilliantly planned move from Chicago PD?", Throttle contradicted, and even though she couldn't see his face, she just knew he had that look again.
That cold look.
Now it was Modo who shook his head.
"Nah, they ain't that smart... right?"
Despite the fact that he was still far from amused, doubt was clearly audible in his heavy voice and it made Charley's heart flutter in her chest while she still just stood there, entirely frozen.

She so didn't want to find out what would happen if Modo would switch sides.
Two against her beloved knight in shiny fur.
Shit, the last thing she wanted was for him to get hurt because of her.
But she still wasn't able to move.
This was crazy.
But mostly fucking annoying.

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