Chapter 2 : Horrible Nights

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The day Tommy got let out of jail. Having no where to live and no employment, he promptly caught up with Tina. He was offered a spot in Tina's home. She even provided him some money till he could find employment and a place of his own. But things didn't turn out that way. Intoxicated Tommy was observed by Tina's neighbors below the flat as he developed an alcohol addiction. Tina did her utmost to persuade him to get employment. But it received no response. After some time, he discovered Esther as his lover.

She was financially supporting Tommy while also working in a factory. This moment in time. Where it used to just be me, Tina, and Troy, I was attempting to adjust to him and his new girlfriend being around. One day Tina had enough and ordered Tommy to go since she could no longer afford to aid him. After he packed up his and Esther's possessions, things got very hot. As he left, he took my hand. I had no idea it would be the final time I saw my beloved Tina and Troy.

We walked for a very long time before finding an apartment. A landlady and her son were residents. In order for us to stay, the son gave up his room. I found it difficult to adapt. Tina was nowhere to be found when I remembered calling out to her.

Tommy left me in Esther's care while he started hunting for work. Since then, she has been abusing me. Being a 4-year-old, I ran into a few problems. I continued to wet the bed and ate slowly. I was lying on a small mattress on the floor one day when she lost patience with me and pulled me off of there. I was crying out of fear as she then proceeded to toss me into the toilet. My genitalia was burned by her with a lighter. I cried out in pain. She said that if my father heard anything, she would hurt me even more. I was once more reminded not to wet my bed. After Tommy left the following evening, When I took longer than an hour to finish the food she provided me, she turned out the lights and told me to finish it in the dark since she had to go to bed and couldn't wait any longer.

Life just got worse from that point on. She almost always pinches me on the inside of the thigh. Burn me too with a spoon that has been heated over fire. My father began to suspect something was amiss with me and began to interrogate Esther. When things between them became heated, he severely battered her. Her contempt for me intensified. The abuse increased as well. I could only sob and pray that Tina would one day come to my aid. She was missed.

While Tommy wouldn't be able to raise me well, Tina, who had fallen into a deep melancholy at losing me, told her eldest son Roy, who was the boss of a gang, to do whatever it took to find me. After a few days, I was having supper with Tommy and Esther at a cafe when I recognized Jeff. He does work for Tina. He came over to our table when he saw me and started talking to Tommy. He inquires as to our residence. After a while, he returned to his table, and I lifted up my pants to show Jeff my battered thighs when I realized neither Tommy nor Esther were watching.

He noticed that right away and how dejected I appeared. He dialed a number right away.

As soon as dinner was finished, Tommy let me play on the playground while they walked up to their apartment. It was my lone happy experience. playing on the sea saw with a fictitious companion. My favorite part of the slides was. I was suddenly approached by two men, and I hurried into Roy, my older brotherarms ,'s without any hesitation. He was a large man who spoke quietly and infrequently. He was a good man, despite the fact that his route wasn't the healthiest. Yet ferociously guards his family. He instantly gave me a bear embrace and inquired as to where Tommy was. He went up to the flat, where he informed Tommy that he was taking me with him and that Tina missed me and that they would be better able to care for me. I was unaware that the next day was my birthday. I visited my Tina, the mother I had always loved, that very night. In fact, when she hugged me, I had no recollection of my birth mother, Gina.

The following morning, when I awoke, the home appeared to be getting ready for a party. I received a nice bath. I noticed that our large dining table was set with lots of jelly and all of my favorite foods. A large number of individuals showed up. just as I was beginning to believe everything was ideal. Troy carried me and said there was someone he wanted me to meet. An additional horror was about to start. That day, I learned something that would haunt me for the rest of my life.

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