Now about the magic!

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Sorry I didn't update last Friday, I have been far too busy, but yeah, I won't forget again!! Ily

Scorpius POV
Good, Daddy answered the important questions! Now about the magic!...


"yes scorp"

"sometimes...when I concentrate really hard...things go up into the air and they fly...and when I look away...they I a warlock!"

"actually...your a wizard"


Dracos POV

"oh, I guess I'll start from the beginning"

"somewhere in a magical place, there is a place called Hogwarts. When I was a child me and Hermione Granger as well as my good friend Harry went to the school that was in the magical universe. many terrible things happen as well as many joyful and happy things. one Saturday a terrible and evil wizard , we called him the Dark Lord, came back to life from the dead and he proceeded to haunt us for the rest of the school days. until our very last year it was a great battle in which Harry defeated the Dark Lord and where my mommy died eventually, and my daddy sent to jail for being a very bad man. Most of my friends died. along with all the other steps some very good leaders and ministers died. and the wonderful world of wizards was left little bit destroyed, a little bit ruined and a little bit not so great. before all that happened my mommy and daddy, since I was a little boy like you, had picked out someone for me to marry. We didn't really love each other like a mommy and daddy do but we were the best of friends she was the best friend I ever had. We were actually quite happy to be married then we could spend more time together.My parents being the people that they were, said that we had to have a child so that my families great and powerful company could have an heir. So obviously we listened,..."

"and you made me!!!!"

"yes, me and your blood mother, her name was Astoria Greenglass. The sad thing is while she was giving birth to you she wasn't very strong and she a didn't survive."

At this point Scorpius was crying, so I took him in my arms and buried my face in his soft blond hair, to hide my own single tear that got away.

" what happened after Daddy?"

" well, I was very sad, and so are a lot of the other people I knew, like miss Hermione Granger because she too had lost many of her friends. And so some of my magical friends in the Wizard World got on our broom sticks, did I tell you we rode broomsticks? and we came all the way here, well first we went to London, then we came here"

" is it all true daddy?"

" every word"

" even the part about the broomsticks"


" what about the magical school!!!! can I go to magical school?! I have magical powers too I'll show you!!"

" easy there Scorpius calm down and show me what you can do"

I tried to hide how exited I was to see my baby boy do magic. He stood up went to get a bowl, placed it in front on him, and stared furiously at it. Then much to my surprise it levitated off the ground. And disappeared into thin air.

" Scorpius? Have you ever done this before?"

" all the time!!! I did it to the teacher's favorite little apple that holds her notes, she was very angry at me"

" where did you send it?"

" I don't really know"

" hmm... It's wonderful that you can do that but I don't think it's a good idea to continue if you don't know where you're sending all of those things"

" it's not just things I've been sending I found a cat on the street yesterday, and Emily was walking with me, I wanted to tell her that she was pretty, but instead I thought she'd like it better if I made the cat disappear, so I made it disappear, instead of giving me a kiss she screamed and ran away"

I laughed a little, than seeing his sad pouting lips and confused green eyes, I promptly shut up.

" daddy? when can I go to the magic school,?"

" as soon as you're old enough in fact I think the perfect time to send you would be 7th or 8th grade, then you won't be so little"

"I can't wait!!"

"that's great"


Sorry I didn't update last Friday, I have been far too busy, but yeah, I won't forget again!! Ily

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