Chapter 8 ( happy ending )

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Semantic Error has a happy ending where Sang Woo and Jae Young become a couple. Although Jae Young is recruited for a job in France, his first instinct is to turn down this opportunity. He chooses to stay committed to Sang Woo and finish their game together. However, Sang Woo isn't happy about holding back his partner. He refuses to start a relationship with Jae Young and wants him to pick the job offer instead.

Sang Woo and Ji Hye meet up. She confesses her feelings, but already knows that he isn't interested in her. Ji Hye isn't devastated and feels proud of herself for being honest. When Sang Woo apologizes, Ji Hye is surprised by his empathetic response. She thinks falling in love has changed his personality, making him more attuned to people's emotions.

Sang Woo has a change of heart and wants Jae Young to stay with him after all. They meet in the middle of the night, where Sang Woo initiates a spontaneous kiss. Jae Young reveals he never planned to leave right now. He already told the company about his commitments to Sang Woo's video game. Ideally, they might defer the job offer until later. If not, Jae Young is still confident he'll find a better job in the future. Now that Sang Woo and Jae Young are on the same page, they officially become a couple.

The final scene shows Sang Woo and Jae Young hanging out in the bedroom, flirting lightheartedly. Jae Young discovers his boyfriend keeps a secret folder of his photos on the laptop. This revelation embarrasses Sang Woo and the couple has a playful scuffle on the bed. Their exchange ends with Jae Young kissing his boyfriend tenderly. The last shot of the series is a tablet screen, which says the semantic "error" has been cleared.

The end

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