Reid Has ADHD

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(I don't think I wrote the best representation of adhd in this story, but yk I tried. Adhd is so diverse and unique to every person so it was hard to do research on.
I have a friend with severe adhd that he's medicated for, so I mainly talked to him for any information 😅 )

A knocking sound jolted a sleeping Spencer awake. He had had some trouble waking up in the morning recently, not that he couldn't, but that it was way too easy to. His brain never seemed to shut down completely, so any external noise would jerk him awake. His sleep suffered of course, but he never got much to begin with, so it wasn't much of a problem; just annoying really.

"C-coming!" Spencer shouted to the sound as he got his bearings around his room.
He threw the throw blanket that he used as a bed spread off of his legs and practically to the floor. It only hung on by the corner of the mattress for a second, before completely falling to the ground.
When Reid rounded the corner of his bed to exit his room he didn't bother to pick the blanket up. He'd do it later when he went back to bed that night. In reality, he would never pick it up. He would forget about it, and just get another blanket from the closet.

Another, harder knock sounded from the front door of Reid's apartment again.

"I said I'm coming!" He shouted back, clumsily getting a robe around his body while he stood at the front door.
He swung it open with a force filled by annoyance.
"Yes!?" All the anger faded once he saw who was outside. "Oh, what are you doing here?"

"We had a lunch date today, remember?" Morgan asked, knowing full well by the way Reid was dressed, that no, he had not remembered.

"What time is it?" Reid asked, not believing he would have forgotten something he was looking forward to so much.

"It's passed two." Morgan chuckled, walking passed Reid and into his apartment.

"I'm sorry." He said, hanging his head low in shame.

"It's all cool, I know how you are. We'll just have a night in." Morgan surveyed the visible rooms and saw it in disarray. That wasn't unusual, but he still didn't like that someone he loved had to settle for this.
"What do you think; a cleaning day?"

"What about lunch?" Reid wrapped his robe tighter round him to ease his discomfort.

"We can eat here. You have food right?" Morgan seemed way too happy for just being stood up.

"Were you there long? At the cafe I mean?" Reid wouldn't change the subject, it was his focus at the moment.

"Just like thirty minutes, babe." Morgan was getting agitated by the topic of the stuck conversation.
He gave a small kiss to Reid to ease him, which seemed to work. "Now let's start tidying up."

Reid nodded, going back into his room to change, while the other man began to think up ways to section off the cleaning.
Morgan knew Spencer hated cleaning. It had to be the biggest thing he put off doing. He came over weekly to help him organize things, so it never got too bad, but it was still less than ideal.
He's found that it works out better for the both of them when he separated parts of the house so it seems like less work.

A few minutes later, Reid came out of his bedroom fully clothed. He was dressed in brown pants and a pink shirt. They were casual clothes for staying in the house, but also in case they'd be dragged away on a case soon.

"You ready?" Morgan smiled, already having started picking up books from a section of the floor.

"Can we eat first? I just woke up, you know? I'm hungry." Reid deflected, heading to the kitchen before Morgan could say anything.

"Not so fast, tiger." He chuckled, spinning around to grab Spencer arm. "Clean the living room first, then we'll break with some food."

"Fine." Reid huffed, planning on just doing it as fast as possible rather than doing it right. It was his house anyway, so what if he made it messy? It was his problem, not anyone else's.

"Do it right." Morgan clarified, practically reading Spencer's mind. "This is your house, you know where everything's supposed to go."

"I know, but why do I have to do it?" Reid wined, "It's my house, and I don't mind that it's messy." He sluggishly picked up the half empty glasses of water from the coffee table. He always got one when he sat down, but then he'd leave it there, unfinished, just to get another one tomorrow. By the end of the week he'd have five to seven glasses of distilled water on his coffee table.

"You know you feel better when it's clean." Morgan said.

Reid didn't have anything to say back, mainly because he was prioritized with the cups now. He sat them in the sink and began to clean them. If he was over in the kitchen then he might as well do the dishes. So that's what he did.
For the next couple minutes, Reid scrubbed away and rinsed the plates and cups in the sink. I have Eventually Morgan noticed this.

"What are you doing? I told you to clean the living room." He said.

"I know, but I'm already in the kitchen. I might as well get things done while I'm in here." Reid argued, not planing on changing his mind.

"But what about the living room? The couch still needs to be made." Morgan tried to put some sense into the situation but he knew it'd get him nowhere.
Reid was stubborn, and considering he didn't want to even clean in the first place, he's definitely going to do it on his terms if at all.

"Fine, I'll make the couch." Reid sighed, dropping the plate in his hands back into the sink. He walked back into the living room and lazily put the throw pillows in place.

"I'll do the dishes later. Don't worry about them." Morgan assured, turning his attention back to his own projects.

Over the next few hours, the apartment began to look more and more presentable. They even eventually got to the dishes, and washed them. Only now it was much after five pm.

"So what do you want for dinner? I did promise you that I would let you eat after we finished." Morgan wiped his hands with a towel.

"You actually said I could eat after I cleaned the living room, and I finished that hours ago." Reid complained, sitting down at his kitchen table.

"Anyway," Morgan rolled his eyes, "so what do you want?"

"Can we go to that place off of Broad street?"

"The place?" There was multiple places on that street you could eat at.

"Not the one that's Thai food, but the one next to it." Reid had a way of explaining things. And to clarify, he wasn't good at explaining things.

"So the sandwich place? Come on Spencer, give me a name." Morgan leaned his hands on the table.

"We ate there once before, remember? It had those fries that I liked, but the ketchup was too sweet."

"Oh, the barbecue place." Morgan awed in realization. "Jesus man, I don't even blame you for not remembering the name of that place. It was a hole in the wall." Morgan pulled his jacket off of the chair he was leaning over and gestured for Reid to stand and follow him.
"You did good with the cleaning today. I'm proud of you." Morgan kissed Reid's head as he he opened the door to the apartment.

"You shouldn't be proud of me for something simple." He replied, following Morgan at his side as they walked down the hallway to the elevator.

"I don't care. I'm gonna do it anyway." Morgan chuckled. "I'd be proud of you for just getting out of bed in the morning."

"I get out of bed every morning though."

"But you don't deep clean your apartment every morning." Morgan put his arm around Reid's shoulders and pulled him closer as they stepped in the elevator.

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