Chapter 4: secret comes out

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Narrators pov

After getting into the bottom of the house Laura and Ryan started looking around. The place was clearly dangerous and after a bunch of climbing and walking they found a red room. In the red room they saw two cages. One had a werewolf in it. The other had Jacob.

"Dude you gotta get me out of here." Jacob stood up near the cage. "I don't even know how to." Ryan said. "There's a box in the corner of the room. I-I saw the old guy use it." Then they heard a women shouting making them pause. "Is she alright?" Jacob motioned to Laura.

Ryan quickly turned to see Laura pointing her gun at the werewolf. "Hey!" He grabbed the gun. "What if it's Chris Hackett?" Laura asked. "Think about it why would they lock him up plus this could be Nick." Laura stared at Ryan. "They said about having two of us. I'm not sure what that means." Then they heard two voices. "They're near." Laura spoke as she walked away.

"Dude help me." Jacob pleaded with Ryan. "I don't even know what to do." "Just flip the switches that open this door and that door." Jacob pointed at each doors. Ryan sighed but turned to the box. Some luck he had cause he was able to unlock both doors. "Thank you dude." Jacob said walking out. "Now get out and find Kaitlyn." Jacob nodded and left.

Ryan caught with Laura as she listen to the two people arguing. Unknowingly Laura had bumped into the trapdoor alerting the two people. In an instance the trapdoor was pulled open and Laura hair was pulled. "Ryan run!" Ryan nodded running as Laura was pulled up. "Ma send down Bobby."

"Let go of me!" Laura was able to get out of the old women's grip and held the gun up to them. "Can't shoot what you can't see." Said the old women as the lights went out. Then hands were placed on the gun and in a bit of a tug of war Laura was able to get the gun by dropping to the ground.

"You're done hurting us." The old women spoke. Then Ryan was being pulled up. "Let go of me asshole." In an attempt to help Laura sung high pitched causing all attention to go to her. "You're singing off key." The old women spoke. Just then Ryan was stabbed in the side. "Ryan run!" He stumbled a bit but he was able to make his escape. Laura however continued her actions and was shot in the head because of it.

Ryan had ended up in a dark room. He groaned out in pain. "That's not good." He sat against a desk debating if he should take out that knife. "R-Ryan?" He heard a whisper. At first he panicked but then remembered who's voice that was. He turned to see.. "(Y/n)?" He saw the girl next to a bed. She quickly rushed to him. "Oh my god what happened?" She checked his side.

He grunted a little. "Some big guy didn't like me." She nodded and helped him up. "There's not much to do but just don't take it out." She looked at the knife. "Why? Why did you leave?" After Ryan's question it went silent as (Y/n) couldn't respond. "(Y/n)?" He spoke as she walked near the door.

"It's a crazy story. I-I don't want to talk about it." She put her hands over her face. "If it has something to do with Chris or the werewolves then we kind of need to know." (Y/n) shook her head and sighed. "Look I know who caused this and I have to find him before the night ends. If not then I'll never find him again." (Y/n) finally made eye contact with Ryan.

"If it's Chris then you're gonna have to fight someone for that killing shot." (Y/n) looked at the ground. "We're in Bobby's room he'll be here any moment." She spoke. Ryan nodded and looked around. (Y/n) peaked through the door lock. "He's coming." Ryan looked around. "Under the bed!" He whisper shouted.

(Y/n) and Ryan rushed underneath as the door opened. They both held their breathe until Ryan motioned for them to run. They crawled out and rushed to the closest where a door was. (Y/n) grabbed Ryan's hand noticing his stumble. "I know it hurts but please let's hurry." She led them gently jogging. (Y/n) looked back seeing Bobby close by. They were able to get in a room and the two pushed a dresser against the door.

"You can't hide from me in my own house fuckers!" Bobby shouted. "You're the fucker!" Ryan replied. "Come on." (Y/n) grabbed his hand and opened a door. In the room there was a hole in the wall. "I'm sorry if this is painful." (Y/n) said getting behind the wall. They kept moving against it until the heard Bobby enter the room. Again they held their breathe until he left the room.

They were able to get out an another door. (Y/n) kept her hand interlocked with Ryan so when they entered the room Ryan dropped causing (Y/n) to go down with him. "Ryan!" He groaned in pain. "Go." He breathed out. Even if (Y/n) wanted to Bobby was already there. "Please help me. You have to help me." Ryan grunted. "Do I?" Bobby stared down at him. "Yes. I won't tell anyone. W-we won't tell anyone."

"No man. Family first. And I definitely have to kill the girl first." (Y/n) stared at the knife in Ryan's side but hesitated to grab it. Bobby go to it first. "You stole my knife." Ryan screamed in pain. Bobby then pointed the knife at (Y/n) until a thud made him pause. There stood Laura. "Pick on someone your own size." She glared at him.

"You've been bit. Travis!" Bobby ran out. "Ryan. Oh my god." (Y/n) turned her attention to boy next to her. Laura panted. "Take it easy." Ryan put his hand up to her. "Sorry." Laura stared at the girl trying to help Ryan. "You're (Y/n), huh?" Laura smirked. (Y/n) nodded. Ryan groaned in pain again. "How bad is it?" He asked.

(Y/n) paused. "I'm sorry Ryan." Laura said. Ryan held (Y/n) hand. "I'm dying, right?" He looked at (Y/n) who kept her eyes away. It wasn't until she looked at Laura. "Y-you've been bit?" Laura nodded. "This might sound crazy but what if Laura bit you." She looked at Ryan. "Huh?!" "I know it's bad but you need to live." (Y/n) squeezed his hand.

"But then it means I'll have to live to kill Chris Hackett." (Y/n) nodded. "Or you'll bleed out." Ryan looked at Laura. "Go ahead." He lifted his arm. Laura grabbed it and bit into it. Ryan hissed in pain squeezing (Y/n) hand. She bit into it for a few seconds then finally let go. "You'll start to feel better soon." Laura said. Then they heard voices approaching.

"We have to go." (Y/n) helped Ryan get up and Laura helped him walk. They found a room and while Laura put something against the door (Y/n) watched her carefully. "H-how long have you been bit?" (Y/n) asked. "About an hour I'd say." Laura looked at her. "How did you know about any of this?" Laura stated at (Y/n).

Again with Ryan. (Y/n) didn't say anything. "I mean you just ran off and so you shouldn't have known anything about Chris Hackett or any werewolf besides your friend. So how is it you already know how a person bit works?" (Y/n) stared at floor. "Come on I don't have time for you to be quiet right now so fucking answer."

"I know who started it." (Y/n) spoke. "I've known for awhile." She played with her sleeves. "You've known this whole time?!" Laura shouted. "You've known Chris Hackett was like this?!" (Y/n) didn't answer. "People are dead or hurt because of you!" "Really?! I'm the one to blame while his whole fucking family is out there trying to kill us so we don't become like them! They know longer than me but I'm the one to blame!" (Y/n) shouted back.

It went quiet since no one expected this outburst. "The story you like Ryan. The hag of hacketts quarry. I'm related to her." (Y/n) spoke in a lower tone. She pulled down her sleeve to show her bracelet. "Silver. If I take half of it off there's a knife in here. I-I made a mistake 5 years ago coming here." (Y/n) breathed heavily. "Me and my sister. We came here 5 years ago. She wanted to show me the camp she used to go to when she was younger. Of course we got lost and just ended up walking through the woods. Then something attacked us. My sister fought it off but she got bit in the process."

She paused. "I'm pretty sure you know how it ends since there just the Hacketts and Nick out there. I found the connection between my family and this place a year after that and now this is where I am. Trying to get rid of this curse." (Y/n) put her hands on her head. "Okay that's enough stop putting pressure on her." Ryan said. Laura rolled her eyes and walked around.

"Hey (Y/n)" Ryan called out. She looked at him. "It's okay. Take a breather." She nodded looking down. Then a growl was heard. "What was that?" Ryan asked and got closer. "I think we found Chris Hackett."

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