Catching Flights + Feelings

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Interrupting my sentence he smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"I appreciate it, but you're letting me out at least half of the money back in your account." He told me

"No, why can't you just take them ?" I asked

"I am, we're going but I don't want you spending money on me." He said and I rolled my eyes

"But when I say that you do it anyways." I laughed

"That's different, I can spoil you, it's not needed the other way around." He said and I rolled my eyes


"Who is this strangerr?" Heaven greeted and I smiled before giving her a hug

"Girl it's so good to see you againn." Naomi said before I went to hug her, Sydney and Jordan next.

"Where's Demauri ?" I asked

"He had to work, but he picked up a morning shift so he can meet us tonight." Jordan said

"Awe that's so sweet." I said before looking behind me.

"Oh, Nae, Chris, and Ahmad, Naomi, Sydney, Heaven, and Jordan." I introduced and they smiled before greeting each other

"So which one of you are the lucky one?" Naomi asked

"Technically both of them are lucky, Chris is my boyfriend, and Nae and Ahmad are-"

"Friends." Nae smiled and I looked at her before nodding and Ahmad cleared his throat

"Well we can't waste too much time, do y'all have transportation or all y'all cool with car pulling ?" Heaven asked

"Our rental won't be ready until another hour so that's fine." I shrugged

"Cool, the boys can ride with Jordan, and y'all can ride with me to y'all's hotel." Heaven said and we all nodded before grabbing our bags and following them out


"So what all did y'all get Saige into when she was down here? She couldn't stop talking about this trip." Ahmad asked

"We all hung out at the beach, got some drinks and went jet skiing. We had a really good time and just chilled at Heaven's afterwards." Jordan replied

"Y'all only spent a day together ?" Ahmad asked

"Yea, I took her to her hotel afterwards but after that nobody heard back. We even had went back to the hotel that morning to check and make sure she made it inside but she had already checked out so we shrugged it off." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows before looking at Ahmad

"That's coo, so what y'all got planned tonight ?" I asked

"I know we're going to dinner, and then down town just to get nice view and stroll, the girls wanted to separate so they can do something, and me, Demauri, and you two can all find something to do if they'd coo with yall." He said and I shrugged before looking at Ahmad

After making it to the hotel, Saige came in shortly after me before looking around

"Look at the view, come out." She smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me out to the balcony

She leaned over a little before handing me her phone with the camera app still on it as she got ready for pictures

"You swear." I sighed and she rolled her eyes before I took her picture

"Um take more, and get the angles right, back up a little." She directed

"Keep snapping." She added and I smacked my teeth before continuing and after I finished I clicked on the most recent picture before she smiled

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