Nice To Meet You.

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"I mean if you was lactose why the hell did you drink a full glass of milk?" I asked Ahmad

"It's like a laxative for me, I've been constipated for weeks." He said before rubbing his stomach and I scrunched my face up before unlocking the front door.

Me, Chris, Ahmad, and Nae walked inside my house before stopping when we seen a random face in the living room.

"Who are you?" I asked

"Oh I'm Nevaeh." She replied causing us both to sit and silence

"Ok.. um why exactly are you here ?" I asked before looking around and before she could speak my dad came around the corner with Crystal behind him.

"I see you've met Nevaeh." He spoke before trying to sit down and she helped him causing for him to thank her.

"Yea.. who is she again ?" Nae asked and I rolled my eyes

"This is Crystal's daughter be nice." He said before looking at me

"Why you looking at me ??" I laughed and he tilted his head at me.

"It's nice to meet you." Ahmad told her before shaking her hand and she shook the rest of ours

"I bet it is." Nae mumbled and I looked at her

"We brought you a plate." I told him before going over and he kissed my head after I sat the pallets on the living room table.

"Can you sit it in the kitchen for me?" He asked and I nodded before picking it back up and walking toward the kitchen.

After putting it inside the fridge Crystal came inside with something in her hand.

"You lost this in the trash?" She asked before handing me my camera from my ma and I shook my head

"No I don't need it." I waved off and she furrowed her eyebrows

"How come?" She asked and I waved her off before getting ready to walk out but she stopped me

"Uh un, sit." She said before sitting at the kitchen island and I sighed before sitting beside her

"Why'd you throw this away..?" She asked

"I went to therapy today and it just reminded me how much I'm reflect a lot of shit back on people because of my ma. So I honestly just don't want to be reminded of the situation anymore." I said

"One, you went to therapy, let's not just slide past that like it's not a major accomplishment, and two trying to get rid of the memory will only make you think if it even more." She said

"It honestly doesn't even matter." I waved off

"It does, you'll thank me later.. keep this." She said and I sighed before taking it away from her hand

After a while we heard rumbling coming from the living room so we immediately jumped up before jogging over.

I need Chris in a headlock by my dad as they both tried to contain their laugher and get out of each other's grip.

"What happened ?" I asked

"Yo paps called Chris overrated and Chris said yo paps was getting old." Nae chuckled

"You weak boy." My daddy chuckled

"You pushing 60 and a few gray hairs, give up." Chris chuckled and all of our mouths dropped including my dad's who couldn't hold his laugh in any longer.


"Call me when you get home." I told Nae before hugging her and Ahmad as they walked out the door.

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